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#124969 by Falk
Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:22 pm
Ok, I know I should concentrate on positive things, but I have to vent my... duh... indignation ?

So I've just watch that crap on TV tonight. I saw it comin' but there was storm earlier in the evening so I was lazy starting the computer again.

Well, I think it takes a place in my top 3 shitty movies.

SPOILER : This movie sucks !

What was that ? It's all stupid, the only cool moment being Samuel L. Jackson being eaten when you don't expect it, the whole scene being a cheap CG animation. Is it on this board that I've seen someone saying that he follows a rule of making a bad movie for every good movie ?
I guess this one is the yang to the yin that is Pulp Fiction (can't remember other movie with him :lol: my memory sucks about movies & books, exept when I've seen/read 'em 20 times).
Or maybe he felt the movie was so bad that he asked to die faster than planed at first.

So basically you've got a reasearch lab' in the middle of the ocean. So any supertanker that loses its way in a tempest may hit it and provoc an oil spills. Pretty smart. Also you'd expect this laboratory to have a sort of structure similar to an oil platform, but no, it's just slightly on surface, so if a tempest approaches, everything's beaten by the waves. Of course there's a tempest in the movie.
Then a stupid scientist is beaten by a shark, so they call a copter (they don't have an emergency team or whatever...).
So the ugly CG copter comes. But it can't even land on that stupid structure...
So they hang the guy on his stretcher to the copter's winch. But it overheats and get loose. The poor guy falls in the water but he's still attached to the cable. Then the shark takes the guy in his mouth and starts draging the whole thing, stretcher + copter, you'd think the morons in the copter would cut the cable, but no. The shark drags them and they crash in the only over-water part of the lab that is higher than 3 meters.
It causes an enormous explosion that affects the WHOLE structure, over and under the sea-level, lot of water seeping in various parts of the structure.
A bit later they're in the main lab room again. It's big and has a arge window. You expect this window to break and the water to seep into the basement ? Well that's what happens, the shark throws the poor guy still strapped on his stretcher in the window (the shark is smarter than the copter's morons as he cuts the cable, cuz' that's the point of the movie, some biologically modified shark that are smarter than normal), and the window starts to crack.
You'd expect such a window to be at least 10cm thick or something, but no, just a stretcher with a dead guy on it can break it.
Then they're stuck in the under-water lab that may break because of water pressure and blah... it's all stupid like that all the way, with some lame "humorous" lines from time to time. It would've been better if everyone died, sharks included, so there would be no point in the movie at all. Well there's no point in this movie, but 2 guys survive (the blond swimmer guy and the black cook guy (I'm reading imdb at the same time and it looks like this is LL Cool J)).
When raeching the end of the movie, you "discover" the plot : the smart sharks were fooling the stupid-human-beings to sink the lab, so they could be free by breaking the over-water barrier, weaker than the under-water one made of titanium. Yup'.

I mean, I once saw Carnosaure, I expected it to be cheesy and bad, and it was. But from a movie shot in 1999 ? You'd at least expect the producer not to think they can make a fool of you so naivelly. I call that swindle personnally.
Ok maybe the CG was not so bad back in 1999, but it gets 5.5 out of ten on Imdb ?! I give it 0, or maybe 1 for Samuel L. Jackson being eaten so brutally.

With such crap, no wonder people are downloading movies, it's not worth 5$, or less.
Last edited by Falk on Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

#124970 by fullgore
Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:26 pm
Wait, wait, I'm not sure I follow. SO what you're saying is that... You just spoiled the whole movie for me? :(

#124983 by Persuader
Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:56 am
Maybe a little spoiler alert would've been in order...On the other hand it's not exactly new.

#124987 by niklang
Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:11 am
Y'all heard about Samuel L Jackson's next movie?

Snakes on a plane.
It seems like the worst idea for a film ever but it has a real internet buzz around it as it looks like its gonna suck.

They re-shot some scenes and made sure Sam Jackson utters the immortal line 'There are motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!'

#124988 by Tren
Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:15 am
Look right falk did you a favour if you no longer wish to see that movie infact i may start a cult of people who go around spoiling this movie for people, its weak ass p1ss.

Samuel L may be awesome but if a film blows all its buget on him then the film is always going to suffer.

#124990 by Goat
Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:30 am
Hahaha, I loved that movie. THE GURL WANTED TO CURE DISEASES, DAMNIT!!! :lol:
#125021 by Biert
Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:53 am
Falk wrote:SPOILER : This movie sucks !

We call that a tautology :)

#125033 by ianlogan123
Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:49 pm
Falk that was one of the best movie reviews I have ever read. :D Would you be prepared to watch one bad movie and week and post your review/synopsis? Seriously.


#125036 by fullgore
Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:58 pm
Persuader wrote:Maybe a little spoiler alert would've been in order...On the other hand it's not exactly new.

Hahaha, yeah, I was just being an ass :)

In any case, now I want to see this movie. Well actually I've wanted to see it ever since that Dave Chappelle skit!

"a shark ate me! A FUCKIN SHARK ATE ME!"

#125045 by **A**
Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:22 pm
Magnifiecent natural fist and return of the snake(which wasnt even a sequel) are pretty bad.

#125049 by fullgore
Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:11 pm
Also, I can't imagine it being worse than that Dracula movie where they're on a spaceship (or something) with Dracula. That was so bad it wasn't even funny!

Oh, and Snakes on a Plane is going to be awesome. Until now, I've never heard of a b-horror movie gaining a cult following before its even released!

#125056 by fragility
Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:36 pm
I also wouldn't quite say worst 3..of course it's a load of rubbish, but I'm not sure it was intended to be much else.

#125059 by sj_2150
Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:05 am
Another movie to add to worst movies... check out "the mangler", one of the worst horror movies ever. its about an ironing press that kills people!

#125063 by Kivenkantaja
Tue Jun 27, 2006 2:35 am
Crow 5 beats them all.

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