The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#122681 by JuZ
Sat May 27, 2006 7:27 pm
Haha! Organised religion does nothing for me and I don't prescribe to any belief system, but that Jesus bloke hit the nail on the head with that idea. I think Buddha and Mohammed said pretty much the same thing. But, religion's a touchy subject for some and I don't want to break any forum rules so I'll leave it there. ;)

#122684 by psychotic
Sat May 27, 2006 7:38 pm
That Blabbermouth thing is exactly why I refuse to read the replies on that site, the people on there, 99% of them at least, are complete morons, or they're assholes who just want to piss people off. Either way, they're worthless and their words are nothing to take into account.

Bottom line is that Devin's put out several of my all time favorite albums in just the last ten years, and to say that he deserves this break is a huge understatement. I hope for the best for him so that he can get in plenty of relaxation and rest and have a great time once the baby comes along and enjoy the (from what I've heard) greatness of fatherhood. I only wish the best for Devin, since that's what he's given me.

#122688 by MindRevolution
Sat May 27, 2006 9:03 pm
Well he definitely deserves the break. I guess we just got spoiled over the years when everytime we looked up we'd read about Devin working on something new. We have been incredibly spoiled to get so much great music out of the guy. With all the work and the baby on the way you can't fault the guy for wanting a break. With the baby on the way this should be an exciting and special time in his life and we shouldn't expect him to push that aside for our sake. Hopefully whenever he decides to come back he will be re-engerized and will make even more kick ass music.

#122701 by hairy
Sun May 28, 2006 3:09 am
Coma Divine wrote:
JuZ wrote:we can only treat others as we would like to be treated

That sentence should be painted on a 5 x 100 mile billboard and placed in low-Earth orbit.
Take a bow. 8)

But what if Lars reads and applies this sentence...

#122705 by sj_2150
Sun May 28, 2006 5:02 am
people are going to be assholes for various reasons, just dont listen to em coz theyre the ones that seem to have their lives effected by something like this, theyre the ones that are in complete misery... goths? anyone?

#122711 by Mayday
Sun May 28, 2006 7:09 am
I think it has been all summed up nicely by the previous posters, please don't let your life be affected (in a negative way!) by people who don't know anything and aren't worth to be taken seriously.

even though it is probably impossible for me to fully emphasise and understand the situation you and Devin are in, but I do know one thing: being attacked or accused untruthfully hurts. no one wants to be accused of things he isn't guilty of. and the more you try to explain yourself to the whole world, the more it hurts, because the time and energy invested into explaining doesn't seem to return at all. it goes all to waste, because people just won't listen. they don't want to and any facts or explanations don't mean anything for them. there was a time, where I could get pretty upset about people like that, but in the end I realised one thing:

People who show no interest in what I say, aren't worth for me to be talked to.

I have no intention of telling anyone what to do whatsoever, those are just my thoughts on this subject, because I too have been confronted with situations, where people kept talking shit about me, even though they didn't know anything.

I like to think of those people as of little dwarves feeding on your attention. they literally need the attention of someone to satisfy their needs, so they come to you begging for it in all kinds of forms, annoying you being the most popular, because when people get upset, they are most likely to react in some way. I choose not to do that. Everytime you give a damn about those little creatures, they win. please don't let them win, because they are simply not worthy of winning their wicked little fights.

whatever you do, please consider those things, that matter the most first - yourself, your baby, your husband, your life. those are the most important things in your life and there's nothing in the whole world, which would be worth sacrificing those things for. So whatever you'll have to do to be happy, please do it, I'm sure that people here will understand and respect it, for the thought, that the people, that have given us so much happyness, are happy themselves, will be all we need, to be happy ourselves :)

I beg pardon of anyone who might be offended by anything I said, I don't mean no harm to anyone. I just wanted to express my thoughts on this subject, because it's one that's very close to me.


#122712 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Sun May 28, 2006 7:16 am
ah damn now i might have to start listening to other music. shit... what the hell do i do !? -_-;

#122718 by ChangeOfSeasons
Sun May 28, 2006 8:19 am
Certainly a well deserved break and Synchestra seems like the perfect album to take a 'rest' after. Enjoy the 'Sunshine and Happiness' for a while. :D

#122720 by hog
Sun May 28, 2006 8:26 am
The funniest Blabbermouth post was from the guy who took "Vampolka" very seriously. That is someone who really does not get irony whatsoever.

Sorry to burst his bubble but there are people who can make metal and inject a bit of humour now and again. Im sure the guy who cant cope with Polka's/Lullabies has panic attacks when he hears music that is outwith "normal" metal.

#122730 by Dr.Mosh
Sun May 28, 2006 11:33 am
fuck what the guys on the shittalking blabbermouth say. We all appreciate Devin and your hard work, and we all know Devin is a cool guy and not some self loving prick.
Just watch 10 seconds of any interview with him and you can tell that.
I hope you don't fully quit the forum Tracy, but of course understand if you do. Especially with a screamer in tow :)

#122734 by djskrimp
Sun May 28, 2006 12:43 pm
hog wrote:The funniest Blabbermouth post was from the guy who took "Vampolka" very seriously. That is someone who really does not get irony whatsoever.

Sorry to burst his bubble but there are people who can make metal and inject a bit of humour now and again. Im sure the guy who cant cope with Polka's/Lullabies has panic attacks when he hears music that is outwith "normal" metal.

I never really understood that mentality. When I was growing up in Germany, we had these two factions: the rockers and the soulers. (Don't ask me, I think they're stupid names) Anyway, despite this supposed split, you'd just as easily find a "rocker" at a Run DMC concert as you would see a souler or 5 at one of Germany's many rock festivals. Why? Because while most kids I knew in Germany had a main type of music they liked, there was ALWAYS room for something else. Ritchie Sambora said once that he thought of music as being something to never be satisfied with, mentioning something to the effect of "living on rock and roll street, but regularly visiting blues or soul street." As I've said a few times in these forums, I think everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, opinion is not an excuse for dumpage. It's no longer constructive or informative at that point. Besides, if you are going to be so close-minded as to dismiss something because of it's genre, without actually taking the time to form a informed opinion, then your ingnorance should be self-contained and not spilled out amongst those who HAVE taken the time to listen to something.

Metal isn't "true". It is music, and has sustained many permutations since it's inception in the late 60's. No one questions that Black Sabbath had a HUGE part in metal's formation, yet they do not sound like many metal bands today. You can hear the influence, sure, but it isn't a direct translation. I listen to Dev's music for exactly this reason: The sheer mutlitude of influences is so grandly sythesized into the music I've grown accustomed to hearing the last decade (and some change) and yet still being wholly original. Having said that, I would never bother the artist to give any sooner or any more than their creative allows. If Dev wants to take a break, I certainly am in no position to question his actions or desires.

The "children" on Blabbermouth are unable to do anything than incite. That is their only bargaining chip, and it is weak at best. Unfortunately, it is really effective against people who let their feelings show more than those of us who have developed the cynical view. Tracy, (If I may presume so much as to use your first name), I can't tell you how to feel. All I can ask is that when you do invest your time to be on the internet, please know that the fans that support your husband "get it" and welcome your family with open arms, and you don't need the aggravation that uninformed opinions create.

#122755 by JuZ
Sun May 28, 2006 11:28 pm
hairy wrote:
Coma Divine wrote:
JuZ wrote:we can only treat others as we would like to be treated

That sentence should be painted on a 5 x 100 mile billboard and placed in low-Earth orbit.
Take a bow. 8)

But what if Lars reads and applies this sentence...

Ah crrrap. I hadn't thought of that.

Great, now I need to get a new philosophy. I know! Free beer and chips for everyone! WOOHOO!!!

#122763 by Biert
Mon May 29, 2006 2:36 am
JuZ wrote:Great, now I need to get a new philosophy. I know! Free beer and chips for everyone! WOOHOO!!!

Yay :mrgreen:

#122770 by King Fear
Mon May 29, 2006 4:52 am
All the best, Devin. Enjoy your break, take your time, and we'll see how long you can really stand doing nothing musical... ;)

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