Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct

#121511 by [brett]
Sun May 14, 2006 3:58 am
I've got nothing against sony at all. I really don't care if sony stole ideas or had their own. It's the final product I look at. I will get a ps3, no doubt about it, but I'll probably wait for the price to drop a little as it won't be worth buying one until MGS4 is released anyway. And I can't see that being until about mid/late 2007. Until then I'm sticking with my 360 and waiting eagerly for Gears Of War.

#121513 by gozu
Sun May 14, 2006 6:48 am
thats the thing... i discovered pc gaming recently(ish) and having been a huge xbox man i just don't really care anymore, i have my pc for home i use my pc and xbox for multiplayer and my gameboy sp for traveling and quick fixes... i will get a 360 but not till halo 3 and thats just so i can finish the story

#121521 by [brett]
Sun May 14, 2006 8:16 am
I never owned an original xbox, so I never got into the halo series. As it was they never interested me. But now a halo movie is coming out, and peter jackson is involved I want to know what the games are about. Problem is, after owning a 360 for a while, I play my other computers less because I've gotten used to the games looking so nice. So playing halo 1 was kinda hard for me because it felt old and boring, so I never completed it.

Looks like I'm gonna have to eventually if I want to know whats going on with them.

About halo 3 also, I think no matter how well they make that game, Gears Of War is gonna be one heck of a competitor. Really wouldn't suprise me if more people go for GoW than halo 3. Thats the kind of hype it's sitting on right now.

#121580 by Pisshead
Mon May 15, 2006 4:44 am
Coma Divine wrote:

Read all 6 pages, or you'll inadvertently be adding weight to its argument. :lol:

Very interesting read, it made me want to pick up Brain Training. Does anyone else think the idea sounds like a chore though?

#121648 by JuZ
Mon May 15, 2006 7:23 pm
Depends on how much of an influence Nintendo had in making it, I guess. They have a habit of making almost anything fun.

I've been hoping for a while that they'd get out of making consoles and focus on making games. That might mean there won't be as much technological innovation happening, but I have trouble supporting a console that's not going to have major (and long-term) 3rd party support.

#122246 by dub
Sun May 21, 2006 9:21 pm
Haven't really bothered with games for the last couple of years. The news about Bioshock is making me fucking excited though.

Underwater art-deco city with jules verne overtones?
System Shock style fps-rpg? yesssss...

Deus Ex II was a disappointment. This looks like it's going to be a legendary game.

I'm going to start saving for a new PC. aha

#122248 by Atari
Mon May 22, 2006 1:15 am
dub wrote: aha


#122509 by dub
Thu May 25, 2006 5:36 pm

#122628 by Pisshead
Fri May 26, 2006 10:07 pm
JuZ wrote:but I have trouble supporting a console that's not going to have major (and long-term) 3rd party support.

That doesn't particularly annoy me as 3rd party games are usually just the cheap-and-simple sports games, movie adaptations etc. I think that anyone who buys a Wii (Nintendo say it will be no more than $250) will be buying that and other consoles with it.

I have an Xbox 360 so I'll get GTA4 on release day and hopefully an eventual port of MGS4. That's all the non-Nintendo games I need.

^ So fanboyish.

#122675 by JuZ
Sat May 27, 2006 6:27 pm
You're probably right about the multiple consoles thing.

I don't have the spare time to justify buying more than one console. Hell, even upgrading from my xbox will be a big decision. Saving to buy a house and all that boring stuff... I'd like to own my own home (or at least owe a bank lots of money for a home) before I fill it with new nerd-gear.

#123812 by Pisshead
Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:54 am
Probably safe to un-Sticky this now!

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