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#119435 by Kristopher
Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:45 pm
Biert wrote:
Kristopher wrote:thats a freakin classic... currently pissing myself laughing.

Talking cats... this dude just 'gave' me a bengal.... this is the wildest kitten i've ever came across, an absolute lunaticlooks like a leopard.

Are you sure that it isn't actually a leopard then? :shock:
"A wild cat that looks like a leopard" sounds like a leopard to me! :P

apparently the bengal is an asian leopard cat, bred for a number of generations with a particular domestic cat; abbyssinian or sumthin, until it is friendly enough to live with people.... they still have very raw instincts, but arent dangerous and have adopted much of their looks and affection from their domestic ancestors.

But the leopards energy is definatley still there!!

#119447 by Atari
Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:23 am
I expect pictures.

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