Alright, here it goes...
-Ocean Machine (my favorite) = so emotional, and I can really sing my guts out to it. I don't think it will ever be beat, there was magic at work here
-Infinity = I usually start this one because I want to hear Christine, then it sucks me into the craziness of the album. It rules. I see this one as Dev really experimenting with the infamous "wall of sound" that we hear his producing reffered to on occasion.
-Physicist = This one is the backburner for me. I usually throw it on when I want to hear something fast, but not as heavy as Strapping. I dig it, but always forget about it.
-Terria = This pretty much does the same thing for me as OM. This album was my introduction to Dev.
-Accellerated Evolution = My #2 Dev Album. I just can't get enough of singing along to this one. I actually didn't really like it at first, but it climbed my list the more I listened to it. I love the rock mentallity to it.
-Synchestra = A masterpiece IMO. I think the hype got my hopes too high, but I LOVE everything on the album. It may end up being to me like AE was. Except I started off liking it more than I did with AE at the beginning.