Some people don't know when to appriciate good music, it's like when I first started listening to heavy metal...I was one of those punk kids back in the day who thought Metallica were the greatest band of all time, they maybe to some people who have been brainwashed by the evil Lars Ulrich...but I was one of the lucky kids who got out just in time to experience more soulful and diverse music...Nowadays I listen to anything I can get my hands on cos I love music so much and Dev and SYL are just afew of those bands which im greatful for, for making such great music.
I say who cares if they dont like it, it's there lost...just be glad that you have the honor of knowing such a great band which has changed the world of hevy:P metal for ever.
Useually when I get shown a band I take the time to check it out and see how they are, most of the bands I come across are fantastic.
It just depends on the person, you shouldn't make yourself run around in circles just to make someone happy with a band they might not even like...I say. Show em' and if they don't like it move on.