The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#117478 by Zombielord1985
Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:28 am
it does take people time to get into Devins music. it took me a few listens to like DTB. same with SYL. SYL to me at first just sounded like alot of noise and screaming. but soon found out that there is much more to it.

#117484 by Kivenkantaja
Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:03 am
UncleTonyP wrote:My friend is deeply into Darkthrone and all I hear is repetitive, badly produced garbage. He thinks DTB is overproduced and boring.

Also whenever I bring up Devin, I get "yeah but SYL are just Fear Factory clones.."


Your friend sure knows how to piss you off :lol:

#117496 by Edzecrüshaer
Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:30 pm
Pisshead wrote:
Also whenever I bring up Devin, I get "yeah but SYL are just Fear Factory clones.."


Wah! That was a good one.

#117514 by kyl88
Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:47 pm
you must have a small penis. not an asumption, rather, a command. wtf...kthanxbye.

now actually whats the point? I mean it's cool if you enjoy it but don't try and persuade someone else to like it like you do. thats why we go to shows because that way we can actually enjoy being with others who like our shit too! hehe right?

I saw that coming...and you are absolutely right.

Gosh, I wish I still had a penis. I lost it in the Montana goat stampede of 1999. I was up there with Jay Santos of the citizens' auxiliary police looking for terrorists, when Major Elvis Newton had some kind of seizure.
Hurt like hell. :cry:

Now seriously... My point ( I Think) is just that Devins' music has a great effect on me. I'm not saying that when I give my cousin a mix cd of Devin, and it doesn't grad him like It does me, I go lock myself In my bedroom and curse my small penis. I know many of you couldn't give a damn If your friends don't like the same music you do, and generally I'm the same way. If I came off sounding like a huge wuss...that's ok. Me and my three inch penis will be just fine. But I don't mind admitting that I want people I care about to feel the joy Devin brings me. I've never been pushy about it, and never will be. I just want to share the love...Ok, now I am a huge wuss. :D

#117524 by EternalMetal
Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:03 pm
I used to take it personally, but I realized that I listen to music because I like to, and not because my friends push me into it. So I learned to accept that. One of my good friends laughed at Devin's music and thought it was crap. He listens to NOFX, so I just say the same thing. Doesnt bother me at all anymore.

#117531 by black_tooth_grin
Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:52 pm
Some people don't know when to appriciate good music, it's like when I first started listening to heavy metal...I was one of those punk kids back in the day who thought Metallica were the greatest band of all time, they maybe to some people who have been brainwashed by the evil Lars Ulrich...but I was one of the lucky kids who got out just in time to experience more soulful and diverse music...Nowadays I listen to anything I can get my hands on cos I love music so much and Dev and SYL are just afew of those bands which im greatful for, for making such great music.

I say who cares if they dont like it, it's there lost...just be glad that you have the honor of knowing such a great band which has changed the world of hevy:P metal for ever. :)

Useually when I get shown a band I take the time to check it out and see how they are, most of the bands I come across are fantastic.

It just depends on the person, you shouldn't make yourself run around in circles just to make someone happy with a band they might not even like...I say. Show em' and if they don't like it move on.


#117534 by Synchestrated Triumph
Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:01 am
kyl88 wrote:
you must have a small penis. not an asumption, rather, a command. wtf...kthanxbye.

now actually whats the point? I mean it's cool if you enjoy it but don't try and persuade someone else to like it like you do. thats why we go to shows because that way we can actually enjoy being with others who like our shit too! hehe right?

I saw that coming...and you are absolutely right.

Gosh, I wish I still had a penis. I lost it in the Montana goat stampede of 1999. I was up there with Jay Santos of the citizens' auxiliary police looking for terrorists, when Major Elvis Newton had some kind of seizure.
Hurt like hell. :cry:

Now seriously... My point ( I Think) is just that Devins' music has a great effect on me. I'm not saying that when I give my cousin a mix cd of Devin, and it doesn't grad him like It does me, I go lock myself In my bedroom and curse my small penis. I know many of you couldn't give a damn If your friends don't like the same music you do, and generally I'm the same way. If I came off sounding like a huge wuss...that's ok. Me and my three inch penis will be just fine. But I don't mind admitting that I want people I care about to feel the joy Devin brings me. I've never been pushy about it, and never will be. I just want to share the love...Ok, now I am a huge wuss. :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: love that post.

some people just don't see certain things is all. no biggie bro. SUNSHINE AND HAPPINESS! :lol:

#117603 by kyl88
Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:26 pm
some people just don't see certain things is all. no biggie bro. SUNSHINE AND HAPPINESS!

Amen, my friend :D :D

#117607 by hog
Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:48 pm
The irony is that if every Metallica fan was introduced to Devs music i.e. Truth, Seventh Wave etc then they would jump ship and swim over to captain devs ship of metal.

I hate people who hate DTB/SYL. :P

#117608 by djskrimp
Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:18 pm
hog wrote:The irony is that if every Metallica fan was introduced to Devs music i.e. Truth, Seventh Wave etc then they would jump ship and swim over to captain devs ship of metal.

I hate people who hate DTB/SYL. :P

I believe that they have a spot for you in the Playa Haters Circle...

I never got the "it takes awhile to get into Dev's music" thing, I've been hooked since "Survive"

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