The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#116316 by gozu
Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:51 am
i had an idea for truth this morning....

right it starts with someone playing marbels on a table they flick one and it flies of the table. as it falls the background goes dark and is get brighter and brighter then suddenly it bursts into flamethen as the video goes on this ball of flame forms int the earth, the camera making sure to get different veiws. as the earth gets bigger the camera pans out and then all you can see is the solar system so on and so forth, till you've zoomed out past the edge of the universe.

the universe is shaped like the infinity symbol it pans out further out and then we see it as the marbel again, it is caught by someone... possibly dev and put back upon the table

kinda men in black i know 8)

#116328 by :)
Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:47 am
gozu wrote:i had an idea for truth this morning....

right it starts with someone playing marbels on a table they flick one and it flies of the table. as it falls the background goes dark and is get brighter and brighter then suddenly it bursts into flamethen as the video goes on this ball of flame forms int the earth, the camera making sure to get different veiws. as the earth gets bigger the camera pans out and then all you can see is the solar system so on and so forth, till you've zoomed out past the edge of the universe.

the universe is shaped like the infinity symbol it pans out further out and then we see it as the marbel again, it is caught by someone... possibly dev and put back upon the table

kinda men in black i know 8)

that's a very good idea.

I thought about a Deep Peace video and think it would be film noir with Devin swinging on a chandelier in a ballroom during the guitar solo, I've said this before in the Terria forum I think.

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