The message is: THERE IS NO MESSAGE
#112682 by toudoux
Sun Feb 19, 2006 4:04 pm
Hi there,

Does anyone undestand what is said on the short acoustic guitar song at the end of Terria ?
Maybe it's because I'm french, but I can't dig a damn word !!!

Thanx to all

#112705 by sj_2150
Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:29 pm
"yeah lets do it with the vocal"

#112717 by gurp13
Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:44 pm
You said, "do it." :lol:

#112718 by Deathcom7000
Sun Feb 19, 2006 11:54 pm
Oh, i thought you meant that backwards message at the end of Stagnat. At least I think it's backwards.

#115643 by Dustdevil
Sun Mar 12, 2006 12:33 pm
yeah tough that backwards message.

The only part I could decipher was "I am on the ladder" near the end...

#115751 by VelvetKevorkian429
Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:21 am
I always wondered what he's saying there

#115752 by Goat
Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:37 am
After the "do it with the vocals" part it's the looped part and I'm hearing "we got the vocals", haha. I have no idea what's actually there. Devin should provide all this info, damnit. :evil:

#115773 by Burbster
Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:54 pm
I believe it's called Humble.

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