The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#114472 by asparagusDuck
Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:22 pm
damn this is always so hard to do. at the moment i'd say

1. Synchestra
2. Terria
3. Ocean Machine
4. Infinity
5. Acclerated Evolution
6. Physicist

every album has been at the #1 spot at least at one point in time. I have a feeling Terria will reclaim the top again though once I get over Synchestra, which I still see staying close to the top for a long time to come.

#114473 by danceswithchickens
Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:26 pm
Poor Physicist will have an inferiority complex after this thread!

#114490 by CardDinour
Sun Mar 05, 2006 12:03 am
Accelerated Evolution
Ocean Machine

thats pretty close i reckon

#114504 by Greg Reason
Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:01 am
favourite -

01 Infinity
02 Terria
03 Ocean Machine
04 Synchestra
05 Physicist
06 Accelerated Evolution

- least favourite

#114510 by funny_little_guy
Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:16 am
Most Favorite = Terria
Second Favorite = Synchestra, Ocean Machine, Infinity, Accelerated Evolution
Third = Physicist

#114542 by Cav
Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:02 am
1 - Terria
1 - OM
1 - Synchestra
2 - Infinity
2 - AE
3 - Physicist

That's the best I can do, honest! And I'll guarantee I'll have changed my mind tomorrow...

#114740 by EternalMetal
Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:29 pm
My idea of the standings as of today

1. AE (my favorite, I have an attatchment to it)
2. Synchestra (maybe soon to be my favorite, I just havent had the right mindset to listen to it lately, my tastes have been heavier than the DTB right now)
3. Ocean Machine (aka fucking amazing, that is all I have to say. It rules and is an excellent album, I can almost feel Devin's stream of consciousness on this, absolutely beautiful)
4. Terria (Used to be my favorite, but ever since my life changing experience, I have been rather afraid of the trueness of this album. It is very darm and gloomy, and beautiful. I love it, but it stands behind the others
5. Infinity (Other than a few pick songs, this cd doesnt flow, its all over the place. I have never really been able to see the beauty of this one)
6. Physicist (of course, the popular one to be in last place. It just isnt a Devin Townsend album imo. Should have been called just Physicist, it is too agressive. And I rarely ever enjoy it. I may become attached to it later at some time, but along with Infinity, this album never really caught my interest)

Im gonna try something interesting now. Im going to make a line, showing how far away from each other these albums compare.


As you can see, AE, Synchestra, and Ocean Machine are fairly close to each other, with a little bit bigger gap from Terria. Then the bigger gap shows that I dont like Infinity or Physicist nearly as much as I do Terria and the rest of the others.

#114749 by asparagusDuck
Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:20 pm
danceswithchickens wrote:Poor Physicist will have an inferiority complex after this thread!

yeah poor physicist :sad:
it feels weird putting a cd that you really love at the end of the list. i bought a physicist mousepad tho, i hope that makes up for it a bit :wink:

#114770 by Burzum
Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:07 am
Based on early listens of Synchestra which have mightily impressed me, here is my Dev tree:

1. Ocean Machine

2. Synchestra
3. Physicist

4. Infinity
5. Terria

6. Accelerated Evolution

#114998 by psychotic
Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:35 pm
1. Terria
2. Infinity
3. Synchestra
4. Accelerated Evolution
5. Physicist
6. Ocean Machine

2-5 switch around very often though.

#115041 by King Fear
Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:59 am
I'll include Punky Bruster and Devlab in my list, most to least liked:

1. Terria
2. Ocean Machine
3. Infinity
4. Physicist
5. Accelerated Evolution
6. Devlab
7. Punky Bruster
8. Synchestra

#115059 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:15 am
best to worst

1. Synchestra
2. Ocean Machine
3. Infinity
4. Terria
5. Physicist
6. Accelerated Evolution

#115065 by Greg Reason
Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:30 am
Jeez, I forgot to add Devlab into the list... I would put it just under Ocean Machine, so position number 4. I love that album! I can't believe it slipped my mind...

#115068 by Biert
Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:33 am
I don't really think Devlab fits in this list. It's sooooooo completely different from any other album he's done that it's just uncomparable. Maybe later we can make a list with Devlab, Hummer and EKO or something?

#115089 by King Fear
Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:45 am
Biert wrote:I don't really think Devlab fits in this list. It's sooooooo completely different from any other album he's done that it's just uncomparable. Maybe later we can make a list with Devlab, Hummer and EKO or something?

But it's a Devin Townsend album just like the rest - he wrote the songs, and according to a posting by Devin, it is among his personal top 5 of albums he was involved in, so including it is very well justified. (As is Punky Bruster.)
Besides, it's just as effective as the rest in inducing a deeply emotional response in the listener.

Project EKO, on the other hand, is more of a bonus thingie, with only three tracks available.

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