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What's the true fan favorite? Ocean Machine vs Terria


#111561 by psychotic
Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:55 pm
I've gotta go with Terria. I've often seen it as Biomech, but perfected and with a different feel to it.

#111659 by Olive?
Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:34 am

Ocean Machine has a couple of songs that I don't like very much. Terria is perfect! (IMO).

#111664 by ForceFed
Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:51 am
I prefer Terria.

#111676 by BaldMosher446
Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:46 am
Terria is a big fav of mine, but OM is where it all started baby and I always have a special fondness for it. So OM it is for me.

#112200 by Griffith
Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:55 pm
OM! Fav of all time.

Oh, and i hate the first minutes of Tiny Tears (probably the worst Devin song ever).

#112203 by into the voigtex
Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:42 am
The Case For Ocean Machine

The Death of Music!
Things Beyond Things!

The Case For Terria

That bit in The Fluke after the solo at 3:23 where it switches to 3/4 time and a giant chorus of Devins explode into:

Dying and living and crying and singing
...(Down and under)
In rain or in shine masturbate till I'm blind
...(feet take over)
And the cause and effect of the one troubled segment
...(I can't hurt you)
Of time and of place and the look on your face
So I write and I eat and I shit and I sleep
...(Down and under)
And I eat leafy greens nearly three times a week
...(and I... take over)
And I'm not unafraid but no longer afraid of you
...(I'm not afraid of you)

If I could only take 30 seconds of music with me into the afterlife, THAT WOULD BE IT.

That particular passage is, for me, hands down the best thing EVER to be channelled through Devin Garret Townsend. And that alone makes Terria worthy of the title of one of the best albums in the entire recorded history of humanity.

Okay, maybe that's taking things a little far.

But I meant what I said about the afterlife thing.

The Verdict

Hmmm... too close to call.

I think maybe it depends which album you heard first. So I just voted for Ocean Machine. What the hell.

Not sure if I've got all of those chorus background vocals for The Fluke exactly right. No matter how hard I listen, there's a couple of words that are really hard to hear. Someone want to lend a hand?

#112239 by sj_2150
Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:22 am
Griffith wrote:Oh, and i hate the first minutes of Tiny Tears (probably the worst Devin song ever).

:shock: HEATHEN!

#112316 by Brainwashed
Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:30 pm
Well, neither of these are my favorite Dev album, but "Terria" is quite a bit better than OM. Don't get me wrong, I really love OM, but I don't understand why it's rated so highly.

#112344 by gurp13
Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:40 pm
Brainwashed wrote:Well, neither of these are my favorite Dev album, but "Terria" is quite a bit better than OM. Don't get me wrong, I really love OM, but I don't understand why it's rated so highly.

I think it's because it's such a good album. It has few, if any, weak spots. It has great songs, grooves, ambience, flow and is heavy as hell. That's the stuff people that like Dev seem to enjoy.

C'mon, dude! Certainly, you must prefer Infinity. Fair enough. But you don't understand why OM is rated so highly?

#112355 by jimmie
Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:59 pm
Here's another vote for Ocean Machine.

#112381 by FishyMonkey
Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:30 pm
I'm going with Terria. Ocean Machine has a couple of amazing songs, but songs like Night, Sister, 3 AM, Greetings, they get tiring. R/F/B/DOM though is some of the very best Dev.

#112440 by KevShmev
Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:24 am
Brainwashed wrote: I really love OM, but I don't understand why it's rated so highly.

Same here. I like Terria, Infinity and Synchestra all better than Ocean Machine. I, obviously, voted for Terria.

#112552 by The Oid
Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:41 pm
Terria for me, but Ocean Machine isn't far behind.

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