The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#111851 by Das Schuetzenfest
Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:41 am reports: "Sweden's DARK TRANQUILLITY missed their connecting flight in Paris on their way to the U.S for their tour with OPETH and will unfortunately not play the first show of the OPETH tour on Wednesday, February 15 in Raleigh, North Carolina."

This could mean an extended setlist for the DTB: Which songs should they play? Post your suggestions for the "ideal" DTB selist for the Opeth show!

#111872 by Biert
Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:34 am
Haha that's just stupid, missing your flight!

I really hope this means DTB will get to play a longer set. And I really hope Beav is able to get involved in it!

#111879 by djskrimp
Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:07 am
I'll let you know how it goes tonight when I go to the concert.


#112065 by Das Schuetzenfest
Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:12 am
djskrimp wrote:I'll let you know how it goes tonight when I go to the concert.


And...? :)

#112282 by Biert
Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:14 am
Here's another Blabbermouth report:

"As most of you have heard, we didn't play the first gig of the tour due to a missed flight in Paris. Due to foggy weather conditions, the plane from Gothenburg to Paris took off a bit later than scheduled. Despite the airline staff guaranteeing that they'd keep the connecting plane to Atlanta on hold and even arranging a special shuttle taking us to the gate as quickly as possible, we were met with a 'too late, sorry' response when trying to check in.

"Our management checked all possible options for booking a new flight to allow us to make it to Raleigh in time, but ultimately we had no other choice than to wait for the next Paris-Atlanta flight 24 hours later.

"We're really sorry for the inconvenience caused, but hope that everyone understands that what happened was solely the fault of Delta Airlines and not the band, management or any promotor. We did our outmost to solve the problem, but unfortunately it couldn't be done."


So, eat that, Delta Airlines!!!

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