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#110280 by Kristopher
Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:06 am
amazing!!! I love DC. I was brought up on that crap.. everyy time i wnt to my nana and pops we'd not pass the weekend without watching dark crystal once. I love it.... A sequel could be cool... hope the animation part doesnt screw it up... such a tale, a fable, a journey and a legend! no need for blockbuster sfx... they just gotta catch the ambience of the poriginal and Im happy as liesure suite larry!!

#110283 by Kristopher
Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:16 am
Edkaye wrote:I remember at a very early age, like 5 or 6 my brother made me watch the Fog by John Carpenter, and Hellraiser!

He also made me watch the excorcist at some point, and bad horrors, like Critters, and one I remember called 'The Goolies' who were creatures that came out the toilet and bit your testicles. I shat standing up for quite a while...

damn right! nuhin is as messed up freaked out rob zombie monster flick as thast original... NOSFERATU... just ahd to say that....

but what fucked me up as a kid? I gotta alteast ask myself.... wel the kid next door would show my Terminator 1 whenever i went there, when i was about 3-4yrs old I think.... then my brother spent the next 5 yrs trying to convince me he was a robot.... hahah well...anyway... cannot wait for DC2 hope its is as magical as my oh so wise grandparents made the original for me.

#110348 by Cav
Tue Feb 07, 2006 6:08 am
Still, it's good news that it's going to be directed by Genndy Tartovsky (Or is it Tartakovsky?), the man who brought us the unspeakably cool 'Samurai Jack' (And his 'Clone Wars' is pretty good too).

He's a good match for the pure fantasy of DC, not to mention the use of humour. Let me know if I've missed something guys, but has there been any sort of announcement about Frank Oz being involved? Has. To fucking. Happen.

#110589 by SquimHog
Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:37 am
Brian Froud and Genndy Tartovsky should make one freakin' excellent mix, probs due to them both being rather insanely over the top when it comes to character design :P

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