amazing!!! I love DC. I was brought up on that crap.. everyy time i wnt to my nana and pops we'd not pass the weekend without watching dark crystal once. I love it.... A sequel could be cool... hope the animation part doesnt screw it up... such a tale, a fable, a journey and a legend! no need for blockbuster sfx... they just gotta catch the ambience of the poriginal and Im happy as liesure suite larry!!
Edkaye wrote:I remember at a very early age, like 5 or 6 my brother made me watch the Fog by John Carpenter, and Hellraiser!
He also made me watch the excorcist at some point, and bad horrors, like Critters, and one I remember called 'The Goolies' who were creatures that came out the toilet and bit your testicles. I shat standing up for quite a while...
damn right! nuhin is as messed up freaked out rob zombie monster flick as thast original... NOSFERATU... just ahd to say that....
but what fucked me up as a kid? I gotta alteast ask myself.... wel the kid next door would show my Terminator 1 whenever i went there, when i was about 3-4yrs old I think.... then my brother spent the next 5 yrs trying to convince me he was a robot.... hahah well...anyway... cannot wait for DC2 hope its is as magical as my oh so wise grandparents made the original for me.