Change it to Philp in honour of me. It'll be like we married, only less creepy.
I understand. If you are determined, go for it. Just don't get haunted afterwards. Do you have a new name chosen already? How old are you, I mean, can you legally go through the process alone, that is: are you of age to do that? Errr ... are you an adult or a child? (What a ridiculous sounding question!) If you're not ripe yet, you'll have to wait, y'know.
im 25yrs old i work(unlike my dad) and pay for my own car and college
well out of the few that i liked and the positive feedback from people i know the name draven sticks out to be the fav at the moment
How 'bout Jingleheimerschmidt?? Maybe....No, okay. I am being told I must be slapped with stinky fish as well.
Ohh, how refreshing.
Anyhoo, I know how it is to have a bum last name, I lost out on a potential job in my hometown because the interviewer knew my father. Generally, knowing my dad is a bad thing, he is one hell of an interesting guy, a horrible person, but interesting nonetheless. That bastard keeps haunting me. I felt ashamed to be born as a Himmler.
I felt like I had two choices, .1 Change my last name, .2 Change people's perceptions of my last name. Not to make you feel bad or anything, I chose #2 mainly because I am far too lazy to look into the process of changing my name. So I am out to make my last name as respectable as Kennedy or Khan or heck, even Tokugawa.
Yeah just kidding about the Himmler thing. Not about my father though.

Ohh, how refreshing.
Anyhoo, I know how it is to have a bum last name, I lost out on a potential job in my hometown because the interviewer knew my father. Generally, knowing my dad is a bad thing, he is one hell of an interesting guy, a horrible person, but interesting nonetheless. That bastard keeps haunting me. I felt ashamed to be born as a Himmler.
I felt like I had two choices, .1 Change my last name, .2 Change people's perceptions of my last name. Not to make you feel bad or anything, I chose #2 mainly because I am far too lazy to look into the process of changing my name. So I am out to make my last name as respectable as Kennedy or Khan or heck, even Tokugawa.
Yeah just kidding about the Himmler thing. Not about my father though.
There is no such thing as Evil...just what you let yourself become.
alucard0848 wrote:im 25yrs old i work(unlike my dad) and pay for my own car and college
Dude, good for you. You sound exactly like I was 2 years ago.

There is no such thing as Evil...just what you let yourself become.
Change your name to "RYAN COKE" that way if your name ever gets called over some announcment dealio,it will sound like "RYE AND COKE" hahaha thats great! IM GREAT!
No im pretty pathetic
No im pretty pathetic
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