Hey, maybe it's just me, but in this song, the lyrics say, "Hooray for Dr. Young." That's what the booklet reads. Shouldn't it say, "Dr. Jung?" Isn't Jung the one that talked about dreams and the collective unconscious?
Or, I could just fuck off.
Oh, and this fucking song rocks my cock. So does Hypergeek.
The whole album.
But, as an English teacher, I have to catch spelling errors, if extant.
Or, I could just fuck off.
Oh, and this fucking song rocks my cock. So does Hypergeek.
The whole album.
But, as an English teacher, I have to catch spelling errors, if extant.
Looping green and blue, and you will go letting yourself certainly the meal once again through the head. But after the departure, you feel free and happily like after your first orgasm - and you will beg for addition. - German review of SYL's "Alien"