EternalMetal wrote:djskrimp wrote: There is no way to choose. Without one, you cannot have the other. It's like the terminator line on the Earth....on one side is the light, the other the dark. In the absence of anger is peace, in the abscence of dark is light...the guy has a personality that must feed on the polar opposites of life. Back when Metallica was actually a great band, they wrote a song called "Eye of the Beholder", which has this line...
Energy Derives from Both the plus and Negative
Yes, but dont people usually prefer one side of the pole to the other? I mean, there is no good without evil, but dont most people prefer the good side? People would rasther choose peace than anger (well, if your not emo).
This is why I like the DTB slightly more. I mean, its still a tough choice, but the DTB represents Devin's happy emotions. I am not a depressing person, I dont like to wallow in self pity. I like to be happy, and the DTB just does that. It makes me happy, and for someone who is on a quest for peace of mind, happiness is my ultimate goal.
Strapping is good for listening to when your in the mood, still a good mood, but an energy driven mood. Just not something to chill and relax to, to try and find peace withoneself. Devin would probably rather play in the DTB because like most people, they would rather be happy than sad. I like aggressive music, and I listen to mostly metal, but I just like to listen to it. Some of it helps cope with stress, and can be a stress reducer. Other stuff you can connect to. [quote/]
I dont know, I need both, but prefer DTB. In a perfect world, there would be no need for SYL *GASP*. But in the real world, it is a necessity to complete the balance and listen to both, the aggresive and the happy. Both band's music means a lot to me.
You are sort of making my argument for me...I am not saying that I like SYL because it ELICITS anger or agression, I am saying that I appreciate both for the fact that both sides of my emotional spectrum are well represented in the music. As with some people, I suspect. Of course those who are mellow most of the time will like DTB more; it reaches to their baser nature. I just meant that for me, it's impossbile to choose one over the other because I, too, feel these varying emotions quite a bit.
As I've said before, though, I am just a human...what do I know?