The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#104381 by Pisshead
Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:26 pm
FishyMonkey wrote:DTB + Opeth + Pain of Salvation was my biggest wish last year.

I got 2/3 of my wish. Gildenlow is too stubborn to tour in the US because he says our methods of dealing with incoming travellers compromise personal security.

Echoes of Dimebag?

#104397 by Guest
Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:15 pm
The Dresden Dolls and Jason Webley.

#104409 by Das Schuetzenfest
Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:37 pm
Pisshead wrote:How about DTB with Fantomas? Mike Patton + Devy!!!!

Fantômas are almost too whacky, even for Devin (does that make sense?) :mrgreen:

That's why I listed one of Patton's other bands/projects - the more accessible Tomahawk.

And yes, another "All In The Family Tour" would be great! The Frankfurt show back in '03 was one of the best packages I've ever seen.

"Bad Devil" with Chris Valagao!!! :twisted:

#104412 by Pisshead
Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:47 pm
Das Schuetzenfest wrote:
Pisshead wrote:How about DTB with Fantomas? Mike Patton + Devy!!!!

Fantômas are almost too whacky, even for Devin (does that make sense?) :mrgreen:

That's why I listed one of Patton's other bands/projects - the more accessible Tomahawk.

And yes, another "All In The Family Tour" would be great! The Frankfurt show back in '03 was one of the best packages I've ever seen.

"Bad Devil" with Chris Valagao!!! :twisted:

Fantomas live is amazing, makes the wacky music make sense as it punches you in the face and flies past at 100000 mph. I think it would suit Devy.

#104465 by Puzzleface
Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:31 am
King's X!

They just released an amazing album called Ogre Tones. I believe they are also getting ready to fire up the 2nd leg of their tour for the new year.

King's X + DTB + Dream Theater

Talk about a night of incredible music.

#104476 by Das Schuetzenfest
Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:09 am
Pisshead wrote:Fantomas live is amazing, makes the wacky music make sense as it punches you in the face and flies past at 100000 mph. I think it would suit Devy.

Fantômas supporting Jello Biafra with the Melvins was a perfect package! Two totally over the top performers on the same stage! And the legendary Terry Bozzio as a stand-in drummer for Dave Lombardo. Bozzio's setup alone was worth my money! What a night! :D


The DTB is too "ambient" for Fantômas I think, but many Patton fanatics seem to like Devin Townsend, too. So, who knows...

Drumdude13 wrote:I think opening for the Deftones would be cool as well, they're a moody and heavy band.

I'd better not try to imagine the uproar on metal message boards - DTB supporting a "nu metal" band like Deftones. "Pearls before swine!" :lol:

#104648 by SmashingTool
Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:12 am
Porcupine Tree or Tool.

#104801 by A-Daamage
Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:49 pm
That would be the band they are going to tour with starting February - OPETH. Of course, it appears that I won't get to SEE them opening for Opeth in Minnesota since DTB drops off the tour TWO DATES before the Minnesota date, according to another post on this forum. Nothing ever works out for us North Dakota fans.

I think I'll just go drink until I can't feel feelings anymore.

#104857 by chrisslight
Wed Jan 11, 2006 6:04 am
I agree with the above sentiments for P-Tree!

#104881 by Matthijs K.
Wed Jan 11, 2006 9:59 am
Das Schuetzenfest wrote:New Model Army

Hey hey! Another NMA fan! Please be my friend.

Are there any others, by the way?

#104882 by Matthijs K.
Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:03 am
Oh and anything that would combine the elements Devy, Patton, Tool, Opeth, PoS, Meshuggah in whatever order and/or combination would rock big time!

If anyone understands what, precisely, I'm trying to say here, please help me out cause I seem to be stuck in a loop of unintelligible english. whatever. I'm having a bad foreign languages day. And my hair looks crap as well.

#104919 by psychotic
Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:24 pm
Any band I'm in
Secret Chiefs 3
The Young Gods

A wide variety of bands there in that short list, but Devin's music is good for a wide variety of people, and I could see fans of all of those bands getting into DTB.

#104921 by hairy
Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:35 pm
Steve Vai.
Yeah, some instrumental would do it!!!

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