The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#102724 by Biert
Fri Dec 30, 2005 4:58 am
fullgore wrote:God.. 10 isnt enough :(

That's why I'm not even trying.

#103145 by Atlantisian
Sun Jan 01, 2006 9:45 am
If there would be a best of compilation my idea is that it should be rerecorded in a context, so that every song have the same sound (preferly the Ocean Machine sound but also with an entirely new sound) then my pick of a tracklist would look something like this:

1. Truth
2. Regulator
3. Earth Day
4. Storm
5. Material
6. Canada
7. Unity
8. 3 A.M./Voices In The Fan
9. Nobody Here
10. Promise
11. The Death Of Music
12. Noisy Pink Bubbles

The latter half of this album would be utter bliss, all the songs are quite mellow and hypnotic... it would be the perfect album ever recorded.

I just noticed that many of these songs end and begin in the same chord, which would make it better to fit them together :D

#103153 by Dissentient
Sun Jan 01, 2006 10:19 am
Mine would be:

1. Truth

2. Christeen

3. Gaia

4. Sunset

5. Suicide

6. Regulator

7. Deep Peace

8. Away

9. Storm

10. Bastard

#103787 by FishyMonkey
Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:44 pm
Lemme try again:

1. Truth
2. Deadhead
3. Bad Devil
4. Dynamics
5. Canada
6. Earth Day
7. Funeral
8. Triumph
9. Gaia
10. Tiny Tears
11. Stagnant (Hidden Track) :D

#104141 by Jns
Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:04 am
1. Away
2. Slow me down
3. Stagnant
4. Life
5. Sit in the mountain
6. Bad Devil
7. Deadhead
8. Depth charge
9. Earth day
10. Storm

#104144 by CardDinour
Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:08 am
ill try....

seventh wave
bad devil
deep peace
sunday afternoon

that wasnt so hard, but there are many amazing songs :)

#104186 by Brainwashed
Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:28 pm
Well, I despise "best of" albums...just because I'm an album person and I believe in the continuity of albums, and I have the belief it's sacrilege to seperate, mix, or take out songs from that.

But just for fun, I'll do it anyways. It'd take more time to get the proper order for these, but here they are:

-Noisy Pink Bubbles
-Deep Peace
-Hide Nowhere
-Earth Day
-Bad Devil

Ask me in a week and that'll probably change.

#105104 by Vaark
Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:17 pm
I find the songs i dig change because my mood changes.

Certain songs Quench certain moods.

#105480 by alphaenemy
Sun Jan 15, 2006 12:19 am
Bastard 1
Sunday Afternoon
Earth Day

#105496 by schuldiner
Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:55 am
Although I think that it's not possible to make a "best of..." chart (because
dev's songs of every album are too tied each other)
i put the same my personal devin's songs hit parade:

1- Truth
2- Deep Peace
3- Kingdom
4- the Fluke
5- Funeral
6- Life
7- Suicide
8- Nobody's Here
9- Stagnant
10- Life is all Dynamics
11- Random Analysis
12- Jupiter
13- Material

This chart can change every n-days (it depends on the weather, the season, if it's morning, afternoon, night...... )

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