The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#102300 by Kristopher
Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:57 am
CITY: dark, city lights, late at night... some red angry dude smashing shit up... brilliant.. loved it.

INFINITY: Trippin...devil like insanity yet so pure... not what i expected... loved it.

OCEAN MACHINE: i feel like im floating in a warm ocean of vibration.... loved it


HAARHT: That angry red dude, but this time it doesnt feel like a city... more a yokle hick town... a bit mass murder... but it grew on me

PHYSICIST: Brutal yet beautiful, blissful energy... Swimming with the punches... loved it

TERRIA: Im a rock... and im just listenning to the world... loved it.

ACCELERATED EVOLUTION: Some reason dissapointed me after terria... now I love this album... blissful energy.... loving it after 1st listen

SYL SELF TITLED: the angry red dude grew up... pissed off... powerful... DIRE is a fitting word. Disapointed with the simplicity compared to city... eventually i really like it...

ALIEN: first listen;;; the best metal album of all time... I cant see that angry red dude in it though.

SYNCHESTRA: Already love it just coz what the band are saying about it!! cannot wait

#102301 by Kristopher
Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:00 am
DEVLAB: Scared the shit oughtta me... he4adphones... dark room... etc.... love it. I even have the game BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL

EKO: what you doin dev??!!! ahhh!! now love it too:)

SEX +RELIGION: is he gonna sing like that till his eyes pop out and his balls burst???

#102414 by hog
Wed Dec 28, 2005 2:13 pm
Ocean Machine- Love this album, especially Seventh Wave. First time I heard Seventh Wave I thought "holy shit, that even kicks Enter Sandmans ass", it still does IMHO. Plenty decent tunes.

Infinity- Its crazy, not so keen on War and a couple of others but Dynamics and Truth are 2 of my favourite devy tunes ever.

Physicist- Material, Kingdom, Namaste, Death etc, plenty decent tunes on it, it isnt a bad album! Maybe not the best mix but still a damn good album

Terria- Deep Peace is my favourite ever song. One or two of the tunes not really great but on a whole, one of my fave dev albums

AE- Fucking awesome, straight up epic rock, love it. Depth Charge is killer as is Deadhead. Slow me down should be number 1 in the charts if the world had a brain.

Synchestra- Not long now ladies and gentlemen :D

#102590 by rgx612a
Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:31 pm
I was constantly searching for eccentric sounding music so when I first heard devin's music I liked it right away. I first heard:

Terria - loved it instantly, and more so as time went on. It was a really a new sound for me and was just what I was looking for in music. It's the music i heard in my head.

Next i got:

Ocean Machine - this one really blew me away, just the vibe of it, everything. The song Bastard really clicked with me. My favourite Devy album to date.

My third was:

Infinity - and I loved it too, I don't get the criticism this album gets. It's freakin weird, ambient, great production, has melody, has everything I love in an album. Right up there with Terria IMO.

Last I heard:

Physicist and Accellerated Evolution - Physicist didn't really click with me. A few songs I like but I don't feel it's on the same level as the others, and I like Half of AE. Songs like deadhead and suicide I love but some of the other tunes I can live without.

#102659 by EternalMetal
Thu Dec 29, 2005 9:49 pm
Atari wrote:
A-Daamage wrote:
And one more thing: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE say you guys are going to tour with Opeth! I'm going to cry a mountain of the emo tears if you don't, and no one wants to see that.

Tracy says no.

Ryan still says that there is a possibility of the tour still happening.

#102824 by djskrimp
Fri Dec 30, 2005 10:53 am
So, first impressions, huh?

Sex and Religion = Be Still My Bleeding Heart and Survive sucked me in. Third record to pull me away from the guitar hero thing and actually listen to the SONGs and not the solo. (King's X self-titled and Saigon Kicks "The Lizard" were the first two.)

Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing = Holy shit, metal can sound like THIS? I thought Fear Factory were dynamic and heavy, but this is BRUTAL.

City = "All Hail the New Flesh" convinced me that there is a god, and that all was right with the world. Oh, and I blew my voice trying, TRYING to sing along to "All Hail..".

No Sleep til Bedtim = This is live? Even his extra tracks destroy anything everyone else puts out. (Japan, Centipede)

Infinity = This sucks. Where the hell is "All Hail.." part II? Stupid me, took me 4 listens to go, "Oh, what the fuck is my PROBLEM? This is beyond the new's a whole new world."

Ocean Machine = I loved it from the 1st note to the last scream, and have grown to love it even more every day since.

Christeen +4 demos = Sit in the Mountain was the 1st track I downloaded, and the reason I bought the Christeen single the same day. Godly tune, and a perfect companion to Infinity if you have the time to listen to it all.

Physicist = Namaste continues the trend of awesome songs...Have to listen to the whole record all the way through every time I play it, not just certain songs.

Terria = PLayed in the car the day I got it, because I couldn't wait. Slow to get into, but Earth Day convinced me. By the second time the chorus came around, I had the windows down and was singing along as loud as possible to anyone who was on the road with me.

SYL = hated it when I first heard it. Too dry, not the wall of sound I was used to. Didn't play it again for awhile. When I did again, I realized that I had been trying to listen to it with Terria ears, and you can't do that. A killer album, and a good example of just how disparate Dev can make production on a record.

Accelerated Evolution = A grabber from start to finish, and seemed to be the best integration of two sides of Devin's personality. <The dark and chaotic, and the light and emotional>

Devlab = WTF?? Let me listen again, 'cause that went right by my head.

Alien = Another grabber from the beginning.

Words are bullshit...go find out for yourself, suckas!!

#102902 by Cav
Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:42 pm
At the time of my introduction to Dev, I hadn't really been into metal for a few years (98% of the metal stuff around still leaves me cold, IMHO). I had a friend who was a massive, fanatic fan however, so I got him to play me Ocean Machine as I remembered Dev from his stint in the Wildhearts. So, here are my impressions, in roughly the order that I heard the albums (as far as my crappy memory will let me recall):

Ocean Machine - What. The. Fuck?!? Grand, enormous, mesmerizing. Love at first pulverizing, jaw-dropping listen.

Infinity - Mad, confusing, almost its own genre of music. Truth, Christeen, Bad Devil, War, Ants & Unity I loved straight away, the rest took me longer to get my head around (e.g.I'm listening to Dynamics as I'm typing this - didn't get it at first, love it now)

Physicist - My least-spun Devin CD. It's a good album, just harder to get into, apart from Namaste, Material & Kingdom. Actually sod it, I'm putting it on now!

Terria - Months of anticipation, rewarded perfectly. One of the very few albums I've ever heard which provides a perfect sonic journey, glorious from beginning to end and a CD I still go back to regularly. If I had to pick a favourite track, I'd say Canada -but you'd have to point a gun at me to get me to do it.

AE - Loved the melodic direction. The only tracks that didn't quite click with me were Deadhead and Away, but I'm going to be revisiting them very soon.

#103175 by Deathcom7000
Sun Jan 01, 2006 11:29 am
Ocean Machine- Took some time to click, but after a week or two, I was an addict to this album, and it played a major part of my life.

Infinity- I thought this album could never live up to Ocean Machine. This took me longer than any other album to click to, but when it happend I loved it. It didn't click untill I actually understood what each song was about, and I realized how geniousi it was.

Terria- Instantly. Amazing album

All the other Dev albums I'm just listening to...

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