What were your first impressions of each album when you first heard it? Which one was the hardest to get into?
-Terria- was my first so i had no idea what dev sounded like. By halfway through mountain I was blown away and was an instant fan. I loved the sound but it took about 6 months to fully appreciate the album to the point I do now. fav song at first was Earth Day. Can't choose one now.
-Ocean Machine- clicked with me right away. I loved the ocean vibe in the music and it helped me sleep at night. Fav track at first was Hide Nowhere. Fav track now is Funeral.
-Infinity- Upon first listen I was like umm? what the hell is this crap?? I was completely disappointed, I wasn't expecting the weirdness I guess. I thought Bad Devil was the worst song ever. Then after a week or so it started to grow on me of course and now I love it. Fav tracks then was War. Now its probably either Truth or Unity (dont worry i like BD now too)
-Physicist- I had listened to the Namaste sample about 400 times before getting the album. As I went through the album for the first time I was disappointed because the rest didnt really sound Namaste-ish like I had hoped. Took about 3 or 4 weeks to start to enjoy it. There have been times where I go on a complete Physicist binge and listen to nothing else for days. Fav track at first was Namaste, probably still Namaste or Kingdom.
-Accelerated Evolution- First time I heard Depth Charge I thought it was amazing. Storm was good, Deadhead blew me away, but the rest didnt really click. I went back and forth between liking it and not liking it for a few weeks. For the most part I didn't find it as satisfying as the others but still enjoyed a few songs here and there. In the last couple months its grown on a crapload and is one of my most listened to albums. Fav song then was Storm, fav now either Deadhead or Suicide.
-Synchestra- 1 more month til I find out! ARGH!
So I guess in terms of first impressions Infinity took the most getting used to, but AE took the most time until it got to a point where I found it truly satisfying. It went from like a 6.5 at first to a 9ish now.
Sorry if this has been done before. Feel free to slay me if it has.
-Terria- was my first so i had no idea what dev sounded like. By halfway through mountain I was blown away and was an instant fan. I loved the sound but it took about 6 months to fully appreciate the album to the point I do now. fav song at first was Earth Day. Can't choose one now.
-Ocean Machine- clicked with me right away. I loved the ocean vibe in the music and it helped me sleep at night. Fav track at first was Hide Nowhere. Fav track now is Funeral.
-Infinity- Upon first listen I was like umm? what the hell is this crap?? I was completely disappointed, I wasn't expecting the weirdness I guess. I thought Bad Devil was the worst song ever. Then after a week or so it started to grow on me of course and now I love it. Fav tracks then was War. Now its probably either Truth or Unity (dont worry i like BD now too)
-Physicist- I had listened to the Namaste sample about 400 times before getting the album. As I went through the album for the first time I was disappointed because the rest didnt really sound Namaste-ish like I had hoped. Took about 3 or 4 weeks to start to enjoy it. There have been times where I go on a complete Physicist binge and listen to nothing else for days. Fav track at first was Namaste, probably still Namaste or Kingdom.
-Accelerated Evolution- First time I heard Depth Charge I thought it was amazing. Storm was good, Deadhead blew me away, but the rest didnt really click. I went back and forth between liking it and not liking it for a few weeks. For the most part I didn't find it as satisfying as the others but still enjoyed a few songs here and there. In the last couple months its grown on a crapload and is one of my most listened to albums. Fav song then was Storm, fav now either Deadhead or Suicide.
-Synchestra- 1 more month til I find out! ARGH!
So I guess in terms of first impressions Infinity took the most getting used to, but AE took the most time until it got to a point where I found it truly satisfying. It went from like a 6.5 at first to a 9ish now.
Sorry if this has been done before. Feel free to slay me if it has.