I don't have any Devin Townsend. I only have Alien and it's pretty awesome. What should I get from DT and maybe SYL? Thanks.

Well, personally I connect the most with Ocean Machine, Accelerated Evolution and Physicist. Just keep in mind I've only been into his work for half a year, and the reason I like those three the most now is because they're the most accesible. Infinity and Terria is still growing on me, especially Terria lately. Harder to get into. And Synchestra I haven't heard. By the way, get that one too, as other people here and on the HevyDevy board seem to think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.
And don't forget his other, less known releases, such as Devlab and EKO.

Strapping Young Lad:

And then summer is here, and you go buy the new one. ;