The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#111021 by Jordan
Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:48 pm
I don't have any Devin Townsend. I only have Alien and it's pretty awesome. What should I get from DT and maybe SYL? Thanks.

#111023 by Turge
Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:08 pm
Devin Townsend Band:
Everything? :P

Well, personally I connect the most with Ocean Machine, Accelerated Evolution and Physicist. Just keep in mind I've only been into his work for half a year, and the reason I like those three the most now is because they're the most accesible. Infinity and Terria is still growing on me, especially Terria lately. Harder to get into. And Synchestra I haven't heard. By the way, get that one too, as other people here and on the HevyDevy board seem to think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

And don't forget his other, less known releases, such as Devlab and EKO. :)

Strapping Young Lad:
City! :D Then selftitled, then No Sleep... then HAARHT. And then you get the DVD. According to me, however.

And then summer is here, and you go buy the new one. ;

#111025 by Jordan
Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:17 pm
Same dude from the SYL forum. Haha, thanks dude. Any local stores where I could find these?

#111026 by asparagusDuck
Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:18 pm
ocean machine is a pretty good place to start. you cant go wrong with any of his releases but i found OM to be the most accessible and stuff.

#111029 by Greg Reason
Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:27 pm
As has been mentioned, Ocean Machine is the most accessible. I feel Infinity and Terria to be Devin's greatest by far, but Infinity will take a lot of getting used to. Terria, on the other hand, you should be able to dig right away.

In any case those two are far better than any of his other stuff, go back from there and pick up City from Strapping, then Synchestra, then Physicist, then Accelerated Evolution and then anything else you can find.

Unless you're really into metal I wouldn't recommend getting the SYL self titled though... If I hadn't heard the rest of the catalogue that one would have killed it for me.

#111035 by Jordan
Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:45 pm
Alright cool, thanks. Any local stores where I could get these? I don't want to wait if I order them online.

#111039 by Greg Reason
Fri Feb 10, 2006 9:52 pm
I have no idea what stores you have in California but I find that alot of chain stores stock the more recent ones (Accelerated Evolution, SYL, Alien, some have Terria) but you will have better luck at any independant record stores or metal/prog stores. If you can't find them there plenty of people have new copies for sale on Ebay, some for good prices some for bad prices... shop around.

The best alternative if you're net shoppin I think is to buy them straight off That means the money goes straight into the man's pocket, it's packed and smileyed by his lovely wife Tracey and you will probably get a signed Christmas card from all the crew! Bargain!

#111086 by Turge
Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:09 am
Jordan wrote:Same dude from the SYL forum. Haha, thanks dude. Any local stores where I could find these?

hey, not my fault I'm a boardwhore ;)

#111157 by JuZ
Sat Feb 11, 2006 2:54 pm
Definitely get a hold of City. The sheer, aggressive metal-ness of that album is beyond words.

As for solo/DTB stuff, I'd advocate getting Ocean Machine (my personal favourite) and Terria before you jump into Infinity (and beyond, hehe). I've yet to be disappointed by a Dev/SYL album though, so if you're anything like me, just get whatever you can lay your hands on and you'll be fine!

#111164 by CardDinour
Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:38 pm
tis the thing with DTB/SYL

everyone recommends something different :)

ill say get SYL debut Heavy as a really heavy thing or DTBs Synchestra :)


#111240 by gurp13
Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:16 am
Jordan wrote:Alright cool, thanks. Any local stores where I could get these? I don't want to wait if I order them online.

In Bakersfield? Not likely. You need a huge store that would carry a ton of obscure stuff. Devin Townsend is virtually unknown to the vast majority of the United States. You may find some Strapping Young Lad in the stores. It might not be hard to find "City" or the self-titled album at a Best Buy.

You're going to have to order them. I did. C'mon, though. Go to Amazon, suck it up and order it two-day. You'll have them by Wednesday if your order them now. Or, be a real man and order them overnight.

Do it.

#111241 by gurp13
Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:19 am
Oh, and I guess I could reply to the Original Post.

I bought AE first, then Ocean Machine, then Terria, then City, then SYL self-titled, then Infinity, then Physicist, then Alien, then Christeen EP, then Ass-Sordid Demos I, then DevLab, then Synchestra. I think that's all I have. Is that it? I dunno. Anyway, it seemed as good an order as any to buy them in.

It's a way, it's a way, it's a way, it's a way.

#111294 by danceswithchickens
Sun Feb 12, 2006 8:19 am
I would start with Strapping's "City", and Ocean Machine's "Biomech".

#145925 by Jordan
Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:10 am
Why not just all of them? 8)
#145975 by Liquid
Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:29 pm
Hey, new to the forums, and new to Dev. I finally got into the guy (my intro was through Ayreon, oddly enough) just a month or so ago. Here's how I've done it, and I've loved it, though I may not be the metalhead that many in here seem to be (as in, SYL is a bit much for me, but we'll see about that in the future :)):

Ocean Machine - Biomech
Accelerated Evolution

and in the mail now :twisted: are:


I'm just a poor college student at the moment, and such splurges can be dangerous, so I went the cheap route and bought used off amazon. Heck, about ten bucks total a pop, and it gets here in three or four days, sounds like a pretty swell deal to me. It's worked thus far.

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