Yeah, beside metal, I really like Ambient, too!
I do often listen to the radiostreams like "DroneZone". If you like Ambient in general and/or Dev´s "Hummer", you´ll like this one!
I can also recommend, ambient-radio from a good (musician-) and friend.
Tracks from Harold Budd, Aphex Twin a.s.o. are really cool, too.
Steve Roach is awsome, he did the soundtrack of the roleplaying-game "Anarchy Online"!
And I´m also doing some ambient-stuff/sounddesign on and for fun/myself. You may have a look in "music" and load the stream-player with 6 new demotracks i made "live" (no multitrack) in the afternoon on dec. 24th 06 (xmas in germany). plays some of my old and new demo-tunes there. i´m not a prof. in this, it´s only for fun.