The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#135452 by Leechmaster
Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:22 am
I used to use Jesu's Heart Ache EP to put me to sleep, and it worked really well. Any Jesu's good, really, but that EP tops the bunch for relaxation, in my eyes/ears.

#135504 by EphelDuath666
Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:01 pm
Bass Communion, indeed
Harold Budd
Brian Eno
Bohren & der Club of Gore
Tribes of Neurot

#137090 by Deth Warmdover
Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:48 pm
Tibetan Chakra Meditations by Ben Scott and Christa Michell.All authentic Tibetan instruments.
Very Deep

#137290 by darknetghost
Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:59 pm
I find Brian Eno's "Ambient IV: On Land" to be the ultimate ambient album. I had trouble believing that most of the sounds were created by instruments and environmental recordings when I first heard it, and the album means A LOT to me. It's dark without being evil or judgemental, it just IS.

Lustmord and Robert Rich's "Stalker" project is also a favorite. It's like the soundtrack to being abandoned and left alone someplace unsettling.

Although he'd be better characterized as Minimalist, Steve Reich, the modern Classical composer, has made some great stuff. "Music for 18 Musicians" is my favorite.

#137420 by psychotic
Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:55 pm
Lustmord - The Place Where the Black Stars Hang

wow...just wow, that thing's amazing...

#137515 by psychotic
Fri Jan 05, 2007 3:47 pm
One more, KTL - KTL

#138197 by darknetghost
Sun Jan 14, 2007 10:58 pm
psychotic wrote:Lustmord - The Place Where the Black Stars Hang

wow...just wow, that thing's amazing...

How would you say this one sounds compared to his other stuff? I've heard Zoetrope, Pigs of the Roman Empire, Stalker, Metavoid, and Paradise Disowned. How would you say it compares to those, and how is it different?

#139108 by Black Materia
Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:33 am
Yeah, beside metal, I really like Ambient, too!
I do often listen to the radiostreams like "DroneZone". If you like Ambient in general and/or Dev´s "Hummer", you´ll like this one!

I can also recommend, ambient-radio from a good (musician-) and friend.

Tracks from Harold Budd, Aphex Twin a.s.o. are really cool, too.
Steve Roach is awsome, he did the soundtrack of the roleplaying-game "Anarchy Online"!

And I´m also doing some ambient-stuff/sounddesign on and for fun/myself. You may have a look in "music" and load the stream-player with 6 new demotracks i made "live" (no multitrack) in the afternoon on dec. 24th 06 (xmas in germany). plays some of my old and new demo-tunes there. i´m not a prof. in this, it´s only for fun.

Last edited by Black Materia on Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:30 am, edited 2 times in total.

#139552 by shanky
Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:47 am
darknetghost wrote:I find Brian Eno's "Ambient IV: On Land" to be the ultimate ambient album. I had trouble believing that most of the sounds were created by instruments and environmental recordings when I first heard it, and the album means A LOT to me. It's dark without being evil or judgemental, it just IS.


Music for Airports is pretty nice and relaxing, too. Brian Eno is a genius at what he does.

#142380 by Fuzzplug Jones
Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:42 am
May I recommend myself:

Many of the suggestions here are wonderful, I definitely second Steve Roach (The Magnificent Void is a wonderful album), Sigur Ros as well (the "Untitled" or "Parenthesis" album is one of my favorite albums of all time). "Thursday Afternoon" by Eno is also really great. Also if you can find a track called "Tone 10" by Kit Watkins and just play it on repeat, it could be the most perfect dark spacemusic piece ever. It's on an album called Thought Tones, Volume 2 but the rest of the record is sadly forgettable.

That Sigur Ros record is ridiculously emotional... they usually sing in Icelandic but on that record, the guy actually makes up his own language (though to be fair he's just stuck a noble description on "singing nonsense" which many singers do before they've finalized lyrics, he just decided to stop there). Thing is, the combination of the music and the mystery of the vocals make it very ambiguous, and with the emotional nature of it, it tends to bind to whatever's going on in your world a lot easier than if your brain had to take someone's words and try to make them fit in your world. It's really weird because I'm always trying to figure out if it's a cop-out, or unadulterated genius. :-)

Some excellent suggestions have already been made... just reinforces that Dev fans listen to excellent music.

#142418 by fullgore
Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:29 pm
darknetghost wrote:
psychotic wrote:Lustmord - The Place Where the Black Stars Hang

wow...just wow, that thing's amazing...

How would you say this one sounds compared to his other stuff? I've heard Zoetrope, Pigs of the Roman Empire, Stalker, Metavoid, and Paradise Disowned. How would you say it compares to those, and how is it different?
I'd help if I could, but I haven't heard any of his other albums... "The Place Where the Black Stars Hang" is hailed as Lustmord's masterpiece, though, and I really liked it.

It's a fairly dark album.

#142427 by TallNerdGuy
Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:38 pm
Try checking out some stuff from M83. They are sort of an ambient band with pop influences. They are all about creating that "wall of sound" using spacial vocals, sharp keyboard leads, and some delay-driven guitars that are usually tremolo picked like crazy (or they use those vibrating slide/picks...I forgot what they were called) on some songs. "Teen Angst" is a perfect example of this.

#142436 by ASHORIZZOR
Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:00 pm
oreverb wrote:Biosphere
I'd recommend the albums from 1997 to this date.

I'm checking the MP3's on his homepage. I heard 2 tracks so far and I like it already, so thank you for the link and of course for the hint! And all you other guy's, I'll check your recommendations, thanks in advance! :D

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