Yanko wrote:+1gurp13 wrote:I have two things I want to say. First, I agree that Dev throws in some crazy stuff sometimes. The "Triumph" example is perfect as is "Vampolka." I think he does this to humble himself occassionally in order to stay grounded as his music would otherwise seem pretentious at times. I mean, this is "progressive" music, a genre that is usually associated with a lack of humor, I think. Or, I could f*ck off.
As to the "entertainment" of the music. I always thought that line in "Earth Day" was to say, "Hey, look we're not changing the world, it's just a song. Or is it?"
My second thing to say is that I think people should refrain from describing their enjoyment of music in terms of their sexual peaking. I think it's funny, in a way, but also strange how we're always getting so excited about music that we're gonna bust a nut in our shorts. Isn't it a little creepy to suggest that music could so tittilate you that you'd blow a wad? Or even become erect? I just think that music, especially metal, should not produce a turgid weiner. It's just not right. The last thing I want to think about at a concert is that every dude around me is sportin' a thick one 'cause they're so happy. Ewww.
And, did anyone ever notice that girls NEVER say this? I have never heard a chick say, "Man, that new album makes my thighs quiver and my labia just throb! I changed my underwear because I climaxed listening to it!"
I think it's quite telling that we males associate happiness with our genitals so strongly.
Just a thought for you. Or, I could just f*ck off now.
that post is sothat it should be quoted for awesomeness
and my friend describes good things as orgasmic, so girls do do it too!
"The irony of metal is that... WE LOVE YOU" -Devin Townsend
"The irony of metal is that... WE LOVE YOU" -Devin Townsend