The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#124913 by steve_dave
Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:03 am
Eyesore wrote:
steve_dave wrote:dude seriously... shut up

just shut up and enjoy it, they're only songs

I love the people who combat intelligence with stupidity. Good post. :roll:

haha, didn't think my post was THAT silly, a bit blunt possibly...

I'd just got in from rather a heavy night out... that's my excuse. You GOTS to admit though that the fella seems to be over analysing the music.

#124914 by Naffis-kun
Sun Jun 25, 2006 3:23 am
I love in "Nobody's Here" when he goes "I think I know...fuck off". Such a sentimental song and then he just says that.

Yeah but our teacher at school didn't appreciate that :S.
#124968 by Cliff
Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:10 pm
steve_dave wrote:
Eyesore wrote:
steve_dave wrote:dude seriously... shut up

just shut up and enjoy it, they're only songs

I love the people who combat intelligence with stupidity. Good post. :roll:

haha, didn't think my post was THAT silly, a bit blunt possibly...

I'd just got in from rather a heavy night out... that's my excuse. You GOTS to admit though that the fella seems to be over analysing the music.

C'mon dude,...So I write what I feel in a "flowery and colorfull" way. Sometimes I exaggerate and romanticize a point to really hit it home. (Shhh,..sometimes I do it to create "controversy too")

C'mon,..."spiritual G-Spot"???

That one i sooo "out there" that it should have gave the whole thing away by itself.

To the guy that accused me of taking Devy too seriously,..I now accuse YOU of taking ME too seriously.

Let's all have "deep peace".

CT :lol:

Where was I?....oh,....anyhoo,...The first time I heard "Suicide", freaked me out soo much that I felt like doing it. Thank God that hearing "Sunday Afternoon" three songs later talked me out of it.

#124971 by fullgore
Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:34 pm
I absolutely love it when Devin throws in random things like that. But what kind of Mr Bungle fan would I be if I didn't like it?
#124972 by Guuff
Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:15 pm
Cliff wrote:
steve_dave wrote:
Eyesore wrote:
steve_dave wrote:dude seriously... shut up

just shut up and enjoy it, they're only songs

I love the people who combat intelligence with stupidity. Good post. :roll:

haha, didn't think my post was THAT silly, a bit blunt possibly...

I'd just got in from rather a heavy night out... that's my excuse. You GOTS to admit though that the fella seems to be over analysing the music.

C'mon dude,...So I write what I feel in a "flowery and colorfull" way. Sometimes I exaggerate and romanticize a point to really hit it home. (Shhh,..sometimes I do it to create "controversy too")

C'mon,..."spiritual G-Spot"???

That one i sooo "out there" that it should have gave the whole thing away by itself.

To the guy that accused me of taking Devy too seriously,..I now accuse YOU of taking ME too seriously.

Let's all have "deep peace".

CT :lol:

Where was I?....oh,....anyhoo,...The first time I heard "Suicide", freaked me out soo much that I felt like doing it. Thank God that hearing "Sunday Afternoon" three songs later talked me out of it.
Dude, i'm so glad you posted this thread. Dev touches my heart and soul in such a way no other artist has ever done. I fond it really hard to share my feelings and thoughts about the effects of his music, mainly because no matter what i say it won't be good enough. There aren't enough words for what i feel so i hardly say anything at all. But Dev's music is just soo genuine, honest, passionate, modest, and touching. There's something for everying for me and has gotten me through some real tough times, and good times. I love his mixture of humor and sincerity, its the perfect compliment and works well, too much of one thing can be overwhelming. There always has to be a medium and Dev is perfect for that. No one song is the same and every song is a journey and experience of its own. That's what it's all about. :D

#124973 by Mudtrailer
Sun Jun 25, 2006 10:17 pm
frog wrote:
Biert wrote:Of course it's just entertainment! Nothing more than that! It's a good to enjoy it, but if you feel the need to close your eyes while driving, because you're listening to a song, you're taking it all way to seriously.

Eh, I disagree. Music should be a spiritual experience like that, that lifts you up, gives you chills, makes you cry. Devy can do this to me. It's probably better just not to listen to his stuff in the car in that case. :D Unless it's SYL, in which case you'll just induce road rage.

Music is to the ears of the listener. It SHOULDNT be one thing for everybody. It may give you chills, it may give others laughs. It may not move some at all in any way.

#125053 by EternalMetal
Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:49 pm
Cliff wrote:
Y'know,..I have a MASSIVE and eclectic CD collection...but I must say that very few artists are able to touch my musical/spiritual G-spot the way Devin Townsend does.

He's style is not for everybody. My wife who is an accomplished piano player simply cannot get into Devy, no matter how hard I try to enlighten her. She just doesn't connect with him and she can't understand why I do so deeply.

So yeah dude, big deal. You might not understand what we are talking about, you aren't the only one out there. But hey,'s all cool in the gang.

I can see why your wife would not understand Devin's music. Playing the piano is a lot about the melody. Devin's music is not really a melodic kind of thing. Its a flowing, layered masterpiece. Totally different kind of music than what she probably likes.

Music, no matter how you look at it, is just entertainment. Sorry, but if you think it is any more than that, you are mistaken. Spiritual you say? Sure, but spiritual experiences are entertainment. Devin's music really touches me in ways I cant explain, but it is just entertainment. His music has changed my life, it is really excellent imo.

I think those bits where he throws in the humour are necessary. They complete the music. Part of my enjoyment of Devin's music is the laughter that comes with it. Humour is a big part of enjoyment. I think the funny parts are what makes Devin's music stand out so much.

#125307 by mo
Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:34 am
no one pick up the sarcasm in the line?

#125324 by snail415
Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:16 am
I can see both sides of the coin. I mean, it's his music and all, and he doesn't necessarily have to explain himself concerning the little twists and turns... but...

There's even more to be said for the music that is so locked-down and focused. I think Ocean Machine here.. Mid-album, that shit is just as focused on a mood as you can get. The lyrics could be as abstract as you like and it wouldn't matter. I miss that 'style'.

#125341 by rainbowgirrrl
Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:52 am
hell i just sit back and let his music take me where it wants to!

#125367 by Yanko
Fri Jun 30, 2006 5:40 pm
making music as complex layer-wise as the dev's music is something that takes a lot of time, attention and effort. You can't just DO it, you gotta plan it (at least in some level), then record it, then record layers of it. It's not only letting things flow, it's a BUILDING process in which you know all the building blocks for it. That's why he most certainly sees some songs with a much more "detached" eye than they sound, cause really, it's inevitable.

And they're awesome because they're HUGE
but he has the option of not taking them as serious as the listener might do, cause he knows them inside out, and he knows how to do great emotional songs over and over again. To us, it's all fresh and gutsy, to him, it's also work... and entertainment folks :D

#125378 by gurp13
Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:21 pm
I have two things I want to say. First, I agree that Dev throws in some crazy stuff sometimes. The "Triumph" example is perfect as is "Vampolka." I think he does this to humble himself occassionally in order to stay grounded as his music would otherwise seem pretentious at times. I mean, this is "progressive" music, a genre that is usually associated with a lack of humor, I think. Or, I could f*ck off.

As to the "entertainment" of the music. I always thought that line in "Earth Day" was to say, "Hey, look we're not changing the world, it's just a song. Or is it?"

My second thing to say is that I think people should refrain from describing their enjoyment of music in terms of their sexual peaking. I think it's funny, in a way, but also strange how we're always getting so excited about music that we're gonna bust a nut in our shorts. Isn't it a little creepy to suggest that music could so tittilate you that you'd blow a wad? Or even become erect? I just think that music, especially metal, should not produce a turgid weiner. It's just not right. The last thing I want to think about at a concert is that every dude around me is sportin' a thick one 'cause they're so happy. Ewww.

And, did anyone ever notice that girls NEVER say this? I have never heard a chick say, "Man, that new album makes my thighs quiver and my labia just throb! I changed my underwear because I climaxed listening to it!"

I think it's quite telling that we males associate happiness with our genitals so strongly.

Just a thought for you. Or, I could just f*ck off now.

#125379 by doaozz
Sat Jul 01, 2006 12:00 am
I guess i just have to throw some Devy on, and just let it move me whichever way it wants to... I think of his music like a roller coaster, I'm just along for the ride. Whatever emotions the music makes me feel, happiness, sadness, remembrance of old memories, it's just a plus of the music.

#125380 by doaozz
Sat Jul 01, 2006 12:02 am
oops~ double posted :oops:

#125404 by Yanko
Sat Jul 01, 2006 4:28 pm
gurp13 wrote:I have two things I want to say. First, I agree that Dev throws in some crazy stuff sometimes. The "Triumph" example is perfect as is "Vampolka." I think he does this to humble himself occassionally in order to stay grounded as his music would otherwise seem pretentious at times. I mean, this is "progressive" music, a genre that is usually associated with a lack of humor, I think. Or, I could f*ck off.

As to the "entertainment" of the music. I always thought that line in "Earth Day" was to say, "Hey, look we're not changing the world, it's just a song. Or is it?"

My second thing to say is that I think people should refrain from describing their enjoyment of music in terms of their sexual peaking. I think it's funny, in a way, but also strange how we're always getting so excited about music that we're gonna bust a nut in our shorts. Isn't it a little creepy to suggest that music could so tittilate you that you'd blow a wad? Or even become erect? I just think that music, especially metal, should not produce a turgid weiner. It's just not right. The last thing I want to think about at a concert is that every dude around me is sportin' a thick one 'cause they're so happy. Ewww.

And, did anyone ever notice that girls NEVER say this? I have never heard a chick say, "Man, that new album makes my thighs quiver and my labia just throb! I changed my underwear because I climaxed listening to it!"

I think it's quite telling that we males associate happiness with our genitals so strongly.

Just a thought for you. Or, I could just f*ck off now.

that post is so :shock: that it should be quoted for awesomeness :lol:

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