Pitäiskö toi tulkita vittuiluks?
No. It's just fun to speak Finnish

Pitäiskö toi tulkita vittuiluks?
Eyesore wrote:Biert wrote:Monday should have been on the original HAARHT!
I think a more polished version of "Monday" would have been awesome on Ocean Machine.
Das Schuetzenfest wrote:Ocean Machines should have been on Ocean Machine - Biomech, after Night and before Hide Nowhere.
The 4 Demos should have been on Infinity.
Blazingmonga wrote:Das Schuetzenfest wrote:Ocean Machines should have been on Ocean Machine - Biomech, after Night and before Hide Nowhere.
The 4 Demos should have been on Infinity.
Would it fit? You might have to take a track off Biomech for that to work. What track would you remove?
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