The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#119006 by fragility
Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:42 pm
Oh no! Hopefully this hasn't already been done before, but I always find it impossible to do those "rank the album" threads...and the reason for that is that each of the album fulfills a different role for me and provides something different. So my question is, what is it that each album does for you and how do you think each one contributes to the overall Devin experience?

#119043 by KevDog
Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:00 pm
Alright, here it goes...

-Ocean Machine (my favorite) = so emotional, and I can really sing my guts out to it. I don't think it will ever be beat, there was magic at work here :)

-Infinity = I usually start this one because I want to hear Christine, then it sucks me into the craziness of the album. It rules. I see this one as Dev really experimenting with the infamous "wall of sound" that we hear his producing reffered to on occasion.

-Physicist = This one is the backburner for me. I usually throw it on when I want to hear something fast, but not as heavy as Strapping. I dig it, but always forget about it.

-Terria = This pretty much does the same thing for me as OM. This album was my introduction to Dev.

-Accellerated Evolution = My #2 Dev Album. I just can't get enough of singing along to this one. I actually didn't really like it at first, but it climbed my list the more I listened to it. I love the rock mentallity to it.

-Synchestra = A masterpiece IMO. I think the hype got my hopes too high, but I LOVE everything on the album. It may end up being to me like AE was. Except I started off liking it more than I did with AE at the beginning.

#119052 by Greg Reason
Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:21 am
Infinity is the other place. It is of dimensions other than that which we occupy in the mindset we most frequently assume.

Terria is a little closer to home, but still ethereal.

Ocean Machine is in the sky but within the Earth's atmosphere.

City is upon the Earth... Frustrated and confused.

Devlab is the dreams and nightmares of an Earth dweller.

All of the other records seem to be bits and pieces of the above moods/colours. Of what remains, Synchestra seems to reach the furthest on a whole, but the occasional track from AE (Deadhead, Suicide, Storm) gets there.

#119150 by gurp13
Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:03 pm
For my part, I just don't get the fascination with ranking the albums. I mean, first off, I can get saying, "This is my favorite Devin Townsend album." But, how do you decide the rest? It's just goofy to me, personally, no offense to anyone. Heck, I can't even decide which one I like the best. Sometimes I'm in the mood for some Synchestra, sometimes for some Ocean Machine, sometimes for some Infinity. According to my iTunes, I've played Synchestra the most, followed by Accelerated Evolution, Terria and Ocean Machine. But, I can't say that's how I rank them.

It all depends on the mood I'm in. Right now, I'd tell you that Synchestra is my favorite followed by Ocean Machine. But, then, I think about how good Dynamics and Unity are and I think, "Hmm, that Infinity's a pretty good album." Then, I remember Earth Day and Mountain and can't wait to hear Terria.

Sigh. They're all good.

#119163 by psychotic
Wed Apr 19, 2006 12:34 am
Synchestra, Terria, Ocean Machine - This is more of my relaxed time. Songs that are more beautiful, but more drawn out and with more of a feeling to them. Stuff that I want to listen to more for life.

Infinity - This is a great CD in that I can listen to the more song type of songs, the more poppy stuff (Devy Pop), but at the same time there's stuff like above where I can really listen to it an just think introspectively about life.

any SYL stuff - Aggression, anger, stuff I want to listen to when I'm pissed off or just have that feeling where I want something aggressive to give me some energy or aggression to get through the day, or to contemplate a bad day.

Accelerated Evolution, Physicist - For when I just want solid tune after solid tune to enjoy anything in particular. Physicist if I want something more aggressive, AE if I want something either more emotional or more poppy.

Devlab, EKO - Good for any time really. Just something if I either want to bask in the ambience of something or just want a good beat to relax with.

#119401 by drukore
Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:06 am
Overwhelming is the only word I use to describe anything Devin does. Syl or solo. It's in a good way probably in the best of ways.

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