Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#99257 by mo
Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:38 pm
I don't know how much you guys know about this stuff but here's the deal from someone from both sides.

Let me start by saying that I'm not racist and in my eyes, race has nothing to do with this problem, which is why I have to have this spiel. I am not on the "Aussies'" side and I'm not on the "Wog's" side even though technically I am a wog because of my italian descent.

A lot of Australian people tend to be very laid back and easy going. Australia is also the most multi-cultural country in the world and for years we've had no problems with racism. Any racism was just the jovial kind and not at all hate related.

In the 60s and 70s, a lot of europeans moved to Australia (my family) and everything was fine. Then in the 80s a lot of asians, particularly from South East Asia moved here, no real problems there either. In the 90s, we saw a lot of Middle Eastern people move to Australia.

The fact of the matter is, a LOT of middle eastern people (Lebanese, Jordanian, Palestinian, Assyrian (Iraqi) etc.) don't gel in our way of life. For example, they see all Australian girls as "sluts" because of how laid back Australians are. Australian parents are often less strict and because girls are given more freedom, they're seen as "sluts". That's problem #1, this became a big issue when a gang of "Lebs" raped a series of girls a couple of years ago.

Then you have the school problems. Both my house-mate and my best mate both had to leave high school because they were bullied by "Lebs" and only because they were "aussie". My friend even saw a gang of them kick a girl in the face to get to her boyfriend who they wanted to bash... for no reason.

This shit happens SOOOOOOOOOOOO much and nothing is ever done about it.

Cronulla beach is a good beach. I even got my tattoo there! In the past few years, a lot of "Lebs" started coming to the beach and flat out just caused shit. "Lebs" ignore the flags you're meant to swim between (so the lifeguard can keep track of all people and they're not scattered) and when instructed to go back into the area they just reply with insults and middle fingers. People now get rolled, bashed, raped and harrassed and no one has done a thing about it. Usually they hang out at Bankstown (where its "leb" central) and to be honest, no "Aussie" goes there and starts shit because they know they'll get their ass kicked.

Australians can only be so laid back.

Here's where the problem got even worse. A lifeguard got stabbed for no good reason. That was when the locals decided they would strike back and a man of Lebanese descent got bashed. The reason why it got worse here was because the cameras decided to show up. Immediately after, "Aussies" were openly making statements how they're taking their beach back, shortly after that, a text message started getting sent around. This is the message unedited by the media;

"Aussies: this sunday every Fucking Aussie in the shire get down the north cronulla To help support... Leb and wog bashing day... Bring your mates down and lets show them that this is our beach and their never welcome back.. Fuck the lebs/wogs.. lets kill the cunts! Tell everyone spread the word... Fire up Aussies Sunday midday dont forget... Forward this to all you know and help us protect our brothers and sisters...lets claim back"

Before I continue, I have to mention that I actually got this message. I wasn't sure who it came from as I didn't have the number saved in my phone but after I replied I established that the person actually knew me and it wasn't some random msg. I reminded the person that I was a "wog" and he got real apologetic real quick. I reminded him that although I'm Italian that my best friends are Australian. Anyway...

The media then made it a shit load worse. The Shire is situated in Southern Sydney. So the media (The Daily Telegraph) decides to interview a major gang from East Sydney called the "Bra Boys" (because they hail from Maroubra). The "Bra Boys" stated that they're backing up the "aussies" (as most are Australian) etc etc. Maroubra is a long way from The Shire.

So on Sunday, about 5000 "aussies" went to Cronulla beach, along with a small number of very very very brave "lebs". Needless to say, "lebs" got bashed and the media had a field day. They even found some random fuckwits and interviewed them because they were neo-nazis.

Later that night, the "lebs" got together and struck back. Instead of striking back against The Shire, they hit Maroubra. 100s of "lebs" rioted the streets, destroying cars and beating the shit out of people.

All week there have been pictures of "lebs" getting bashed by "aussies" in the papers and now another message is circulating. I don't have this particular message but my friend read it to me last night, I'll endeavour to get it so I can write the ACTUAL message. Basically it said the same thing as the last one except this Sunday they've decided to hit the "lebs" at home, Bankstown.

I know I previously said that this has nothing to do with racism but sadly now it does. Before, it wasn't Lebs and Aussies against each other. It was DICKHEADS AGAINST DICKHEADS! Not "lebs" or "aussies" or "wogs" but DICKHEADS, DICKHEADS AND DICKHEADS.

While I appreciate and understand the initial intentions of the "aussies" they've just made themselves worse than the "lebs" who have caused them all this shit in the first place. The media doesn't help because they're the ones crying out "RACISM" when really, ITS ALL DICKHEADS.

We must find a way to clearly the distinguish the DICKHEADS from all races and give them a stern talking to.

#99258 by BlueRaja
Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:59 pm
That was a good read. Thanks Mo. 8)

#99259 by EphelDuath666
Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:03 pm
I'll never understand that whole gang bullshit. They should just grow up and get a life. And I agree, there's dickheads in all "races".

#99271 by Yanko
Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:59 pm
EphelDuath666 wrote:I'll never understand that whole gang bullshit. They should just grow up and get a life. And I agree, there's dickheads in all "races".

and i wonder why that's so hard for 99% of the worlds population to understand.

#99281 by Coma Divine
Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:46 pm
Dickheads on both sides. Thugs and rednecks.

Unfortunately, this is a by-product of several years of fear and xenophobia being spread by the Government and Media here.
"Beware the Muslim!" This has struck a chord with people who have seen nearly a hundred Australians blown to pieces in Bali. They never actually say it like that, it is always something like: "...of Middle Eastern appearance". Are we then, to assume that the person in question is an Israeli? Of course not, the perpetrator MUST be from one of those mad countries that blow people up! Divide and conquer. Been done to death.
I would not be at all surprised if there are folks in the highest echelons of Aussie society quite happy to see this latest tragic result.

As Mo mentioned, post-WW2 Oz has seen waves of immigrants from various parts of the globe arrive here for a better life. I think the vast majority of Australians are happy to see them, as long as they make an attempt to integrate and contribute to a multi-cultural nation. The Vietnamese arrived here after the war there, and had a particularly difficult time adjusting, as it was the first time there had been a major "non-European" influx since white settlement. A lot of racial slurs around, but seldom did it ever erupt into anything near like we've recently witnessed in Sydney.

Here lies a problem: If immigrants are shunned upon settling in a new land, and keep to themselves and maintain a separate culture...then this can only promote more animosity, as they are perceived to be "biting the hand" so to speak, by the very people who have shunned them in the first place. Thus begins a vicious cycle of paranoia on both sides.

This is the operative term these days - paranoia.

Interestingly, the perpetrators on the Lebanese side (in this instance) are second- and third-generation settlers, many of whom have never set foot outside the country. They are (whether they choose to acknowledge it or not) as Australian as I am. Similar problems have doubtless occurred in other "First World" countries with descendants of immigrants who've congregated there, from Africa, The Caribbean, Korea or wherever.

Our Prime Minister came out and said in a press conference that the riots were not racist. What nonsense. It is that old pragmatic fear, that mentioning something will make it real. Well, it is real...and it is a disgrace.

The New South Wales Parliament was recalled from it's summer recess to pass new laws allowing Police greater powers, ostensibly to curb this kind of behaviour. The same Police who face mounting criticism that they failed to do enough to prevent the violence from spreading. That, coupled with the new Federal "anti-terrorism" legislation has a tiny voice in the back of my mind saying: "uh oh"...

Subject: History.
Location: Europe.
Date: 1930's.

Fear, indeed.

#99304 by Olive?
Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:33 am
Wow... I didn't know anything about that.
And I never ever thought that you could have that kind of problems in Australia!!

That really sucks. I don't know what to say. I know very well the situation because here in Italy we have A LOT of problems between italians and immigrants... It's a very complicated subject and a very tricky situation.

Humans are not so social as they tell... :roll:

#99319 by Blazingmonga
Fri Dec 16, 2005 5:10 am
I am very glad to say I have not really come across any of this kind of 'Dickhead' in Edinburgh. We are a very diverse and multicultural city, but I think it works out ok.

Strange to think that this level of 'dickheadedness' is actually possible.

Humanity continues to astound me.

#99349 by Seventhframe
Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:27 am
France, Australia, next up: Canada....?
Faking hell. I don't get it. Religion, race, black, white, eastern, western.....Why should it make a difference?!?!?


#99356 by flood_of_rain
Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:59 am
Its a terrible time to call one's self Australian :(

Indeed. i was teased, bullied and bashed for being "aussie" here in Aus and all i have seen is the ratial tension get worse and worse.
i could have grown up hating the world for what i went through but instead, i chose to try and give people more of a chance. i dont believe we should live in a society where we can hate a complete racial group becuase of a few assholes who wanted to start trouble.
i just hope this problem is sorted here soon or i can guarentee i will leave this country for good...

#99463 by mo
Fri Dec 16, 2005 5:21 pm
The problem is segregation. Once we label ourselves or segrate ourselves and others, then a division is made and we look at each other not as fellow humans but whatever category or sub-category we've been placed in.

We're all from Earth and humans are the only animal on Earth that is actually destroying the planet.

A lot of people may not agree with what I'm about to say but... I don't believe in patriotism. We should all band together not as seperate countries but universally as humans on Earth. Then when we've learnt more about the unexplored boundaries of space, we should then attain harmony with our new found extraterrestial brothers, sisters and whatever other sexes they may have (because sex is good).

(thought I'd end that post on a lighter note)

#99468 by EphelDuath666
Fri Dec 16, 2005 5:23 pm
mo wrote:A lot of people may not agree with what I'm about to say but... I don't believe in patriotism.

I for my part know that I agree :)

#99470 by gozu
Fri Dec 16, 2005 5:27 pm
i'm proud to be scottish but then that doesn't make me dislike anyone else (except the damn english! :wink:) everyone is pretty much the same except for their parents fucked somewhere. :?

#99630 by Blazingmonga
Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:41 pm
EphelDuath666 wrote:
mo wrote:A lot of people may not agree with what I'm about to say but... I don't believe in patriotism.

I for my part know that I agree :)

I also agree.

Though, I can say that I am 'proud' to be Scottish, but that doesn't really have anything to do with race. More that I feel lucky to live where I do, with a beautiful country, a peaceful life and a safe place to live. I am surrounded by honest, hard working and generally good people....but they come from all over the world. The thing that connects us is the space we live in, not where we come from.

Mo is absolutely completely utterly bung-fuggily (just made that up for emphasis) right when he says
mo wrote:The problem is segregation. Once we label ourselves or segrate ourselves and others, then a division is made and we look at each other not as fellow humans but whatever category or sub-category we've been placed in. at the end of the day, we are all human and all frail and all live on the same planet and need the same things if we are to live on this rock for any length of time without completely fugging it up.


#99736 by mo
Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:42 am
Sadly people get suckered into the mob mentality and they answer to the anger that has slowly been boiling up inside. People then do stupid things without thinking... like riots.

Now, instead of looking at someone of different ethnicity in a suspicious way, I'll do whatever it takes to make that person that I have no beef with anyone for no good reason.

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