A place to share your own music and creative projects.
#98285 by Wind
Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:15 am
Hey guys, I just formed a band last weekend, and we've only had 2 practices and made 2 songs.. we're all only 15 and 16 years old (me being 16 and playing bass) and our music is heavily inspired by Symphony X and Dream Theater.

DTB is one of my favorite bands so I hope to add ambience and songs / portions of songs that sound like some of the stuff off of Ocean Machine and Terria.

Like I said we're young and have had very little practice / recording time so please take it for what it is (BAD QUALITY RECORDINGS)

Enjoy and leave feedback, and i'll be sure to post when we add a new song or tell you guys how our writing is going. I hope to sing some songs (and im not a good singer =/) to add more interestingness to our music.



#98430 by Burbster
Sat Dec 10, 2005 4:06 pm
Wind! How you doing, mate?

#98597 by fragility
Sun Dec 11, 2005 8:05 pm
Pretty good!!!

It all needs tightened up obviously, but after such a short amount of time together, your'e doing well. I'll definately be interested in hearing this when you've practiced it a bit more and developed it :) Great job!!

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