Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct

#96075 by Mr_Chimp
Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:16 pm
I have an odd name of Arran.. i have recieved many an odd letter addressed to aaran, aeron, aron, arron. Then the mispronunciation begins..

Me : hello im arran
Idiot : hi (pronounces my name air-on then insists this is my name)

It annoys me sooooo much, i have started to get really pissed at it.

Idiot : Hi how do you spell your name?
Me : a r r a n
Idiot : wow thats odd hows that pronounced?
me : You pronounce it BASTARD thats how!!

I wont get started on my Surname!!!

#96098 by ianlogan123
Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:24 pm
One of my bosses is from Poland, and always calls me Eye-an.

#96112 by djskrimp
Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:40 pm
VampireDaveGrohl wrote:I work with a guy called Ron Hsu. You don't pronounce it Hu-su, but just Su. Took me a while to ge the hang of that.

People don't mis-pronounce my name, but they always pause and double check before saying it. Yes, my surname is Record. AS IN THE ORDINARY EVERYDAY WORD, RECORD! AS IS WHEN YOU RECORD SOMETHING, PRESS THE RECORD BUTTON OR PLAY A RECORD! WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND??!!!

People always seem the think there is going to be some dodgy pronounciation. There ISN'T!!!

Hsu can also be pronounced "Shoe"

#96115 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:02 pm
you'd be surprised how many people mispronounce "augustino"

its the month august plus "ino"
its not dificult guys...

#96322 by steve_dave
Thu Nov 24, 2005 1:46 pm
Danny... nice and easy. Many children in my primary school mispromounced this as 'Fanny' (More than likely on purpose :cry: )

But what annoys me more is when people call me 'Daniel'... no no, i was christened Danny... it says it on the birth certificate AND the driving liscence

#96353 by gurp13
Fri Nov 25, 2005 12:27 am
Ryan, I feel you. My last name is Poirier. Yeah, it's French. And, if you don't parlez Francais, then you're going to pronounce it wrong. Always. Since I live in America, in Southern California, I get...


It's not that hard either. I tell people it's a cross between Poitier (as in Sydney, the actor) and Perrier (the mineral water) It's pronounced Pwar-ee-ay. Heck, I'll even accept Poor-ee-ay from Americans. Sheesh.

But, yeah, Ryan, your last name is a nightmare. Any time I'm talking to someone about the DTB I don't even bother to say your last name. You're just "Ryan the Drummer." :-) You know, like Launcelot the Brave. Only, you're not a Knight and the things you hit never hit back.

#96354 by Persuader
Fri Nov 25, 2005 12:56 am
Wow, there are some original names on here!
I love it when you have to call authorities:

- Name?

- Efraim.

- Sorry?


- Ok, you'll have to spell that for me.

- E-F-R-A-I-M!

- Last name?

- Juntunen.

- Sorry?


Etc etc...

#96370 by VampireDaveGrohl
Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:48 am
Mr_Chimp wrote:I have an odd name of Arran.. i have recieved many an odd letter addressed to aaran, aeron, aron, arron. Then the mispronunciation begins..

Me : hello im arran
Idiot : hi (pronounces my name air-on then insists this is my name)

It annoys me sooooo much, i have started to get really pissed at it.

Idiot : Hi how do you spell your name?
Me : a r r a n
Idiot : wow thats odd hows that pronounced?
me : You pronounce it BASTARD thats how!!

I wont get started on my Surname!!!

That last bit has made me snort with laughter all five times that i have read it!

#96823 by Vesper
Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:17 pm
Michał Dziewoński (I wonder if you get the chars right WITHOUT iso-8859-2, probably not) - perfectly understandable in Poland.

Yeah, now you might just get a hint at why I chose to return here for the time being rather than stay in the UK :lol: :lol:

#96828 by TimCo
Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:45 pm

Which pronounciation is it?

For example:

I am going to record the TV show about giraffe mating.


The politician has gone on record in favor of oral favors.

#96874 by rezlamech
Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:23 am
From the almost understandably hard to pronounce Rhett I have been called :-


The first five I get when somebody asks me my name, the others when someone tries to read my name, and rahim I think is just wishful thinking on behalf of a lot of Indian dishwashers ive worked with over the years!

I worked with a Brett and a Brent and of course one workmate would call us all rhettbrettbrent.

#96902 by funny_little_guy
Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:57 am
My last name is Philp. There are very few people in the world that don't go 'So that Phillip is it?' 'No Philp' '.....Yes Phillip' 'No P-H-I-L-P Philp' 'Oh sorry, you must get that a lot' At which point I try not to explode.

#96971 by Krazee-Eyez Killa
Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:24 pm
Maybe someone here can help.

My last name is Hoppe (which is always butchered when people try to pronounce it (hope, hop, etc.)) and all my life I've been told its pronounced hop-e though I have never felt like that is the correct German pronunciation of it. I've asked all my relatives and none of them know how it would be pronounced in German. So if anyone here is from Germany I'd appreciate it if I could get some help finding out how to pronounce my name.

Reading back over this, I can't believe my family's lack of culture.

#97010 by Matthijs K.
Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:00 am
My full name is Matthijs Kievit.
I've seen and been called Matijs, Mattijs, Mathijs, Martijn, Martijs and Kiviet, Kivits, Kievits, Kieviet....... And to think that it's not unusual or anything! People just like to annoy me, I guess..

BTW: If I ever meet someone who calls me Kiwi, he or she can expect a whoopin'.

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