Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct

#95558 by [brett]
Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:46 pm
I have the money for one, but I'm thinking about not getting it now as I don't have a High Definition TV. Aparently, the picture quality is gonna be no where near as good without one. And even when you do buy it you have to make sure you have the right leads for it, exactly the right ones i mean, that go best with your tele, or the picture isn't good.

So I would read up on this info if I were you before actually buying one, or you might be dissapointed.

#95560 by Biert
Fri Nov 18, 2005 2:02 pm
It's not about the quality of the picture, it's about the quality of the game. Gameplay, originality, things like that. The way it looks is just eye-candy and barely add to the experience of playing a game. Good games looking crap are better than crap games looking good.

#95562 by [brett]
Fri Nov 18, 2005 2:31 pm
Well personally, I think it's a lot of money to pay if your not getting the full experience.

#95588 by Socialenemy69
Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:24 pm
We got the X box 360 in at work today and we got a couple of them set up and we were playing them on our breaks. So far so good, but none of the Launch games make me want to buy it. I think I'll wait for Halo 3.

#95590 by djskrimp
Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:33 pm
Got an idea for the tragically poor: Take 30 bucks (If you are in the United States, that is) go to Gamestop, buy a Nintendo 64 and one game, and enjoy a great system. Then, when one of your rich friends comes over and makes fun of you for having such an old system, they can invite you over to play their new Xbox 360...problem SOLVED.

#95608 by niklang
Sat Nov 19, 2005 4:05 am
Biert wrote:
thefillersweetcityjesus wrote:how about NINTENDO REVOLUTION BITCHES!!!

know your roots man. :D

That controller is gonna kill Nintende. They're so bankrupt.

I will always route for Nintendo, the SNES was an awesome console as was the N64 but i can never see them being the leaders again. Sony have far too much of a head start. Its a real shame because there are still some great games for the Gamecube (RES4) but too many people view it as a kids console. Which when you have Mario Smash Soccer is probably understandable!

I'd love to see the Revolution kick ass but I don't think it will. Maybe they should go down the Sega route and just produce games.

#95678 by Wiseblud
Sun Nov 20, 2005 6:35 am
Biert wrote:I;m considering buying a used XBox when the 360 is out, and a whole bunch of old games and just have fun with it. Old XBox games still rule cuz I've never played them. And I might pull the same trick with PS2/3

Just have to get myself a TV then somehow...

Right behind you man, I had the same idea with the old playstation. Bought one for 25 Dollars when the PS2 came out. Best Bang for the Buck err. Baby!

#95681 by funny_little_guy
Sun Nov 20, 2005 6:44 am
djskrimp wrote:Got an idea for the tragically poor: Take 30 bucks (If you are in the United States, that is) go to Gamestop, buy a Nintendo 64 and one game, and enjoy a great system. Then, when one of your rich friends comes over and makes fun of you for having such an old system, they can invite you over to play their new Xbox 360...problem SOLVED.

Or just get a Nintendo 64 and sit there and realise is it still the best gaming console you can buy.

#95684 by Wiseblud
Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:13 am
I really dont see a reason to buy a console at all. My point is that any game worth playing comes out on pc eventually. I have a "PIMP" computer that I invested a lot in and if I miss a few mario titles, oh well. Its a hard justification for $400+ US when my comp will be close to the speed as as the Xbox or PS3.

Now there are a few caveats, Halo 2 is still not out for PC and the mario titles might actually be very good games. It might be just as cheap to initially invest $400+ US (in Microsoft) :evil: for 4 years and let the PC lapse. But the xbox and PS3 are not any use to me above gaming, the PC is.

So my choice is buy used, cheap consoles and get the best of both worlds. Time is on our side man.

#95698 by ianlogan123
Sun Nov 20, 2005 9:18 am
I think I'll probably wait until the PS3 comes out. Has anyone else seen the latest videos for Metal Gear Solid 4? Looking good.

#95792 by VampireDaveGrohl
Mon Nov 21, 2005 6:11 am
Hah, i remember when Metal Gear Solid 2 was going to be it, the end, finito. Guess they thought that killing such a cash cow would be dumb. I love MGS by the way.

And with the Russian comment, that rmeinds me of the one and only bit of Armeggedon that i liked. "You can't use that it's American!" "American?! Russian?! It's all made in Hong Kong!"

#96116 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:07 pm
Biert wrote:
thefillersweetcityjesus wrote:how about NINTENDO REVOLUTION BITCHES!!!

know your roots man. :D

That controller is gonna kill Nintende. They're so bankrupt.

yeah right!?

is it just me or does anyone else think its about time someone thought of something other than a box and controller. its a revolution, a revolution isn't going to be the same boring shit again. think about it. its a risk, and its nintendo. :idea:

#96121 by Spinalcold
Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:28 pm
thefillersweetcityjesus wrote:
Biert wrote:
thefillersweetcityjesus wrote:how about NINTENDO REVOLUTION BITCHES!!!

know your roots man. :D

That controller is gonna kill Nintende. They're so bankrupt.

yeah right!?

is it just me or does anyone else think its about time someone thought of something other than a box and controller. its a revolution, a revolution isn't going to be the same boring shit again. think about it. its a risk, and its nintendo. :idea:

I agree. Nintendo has completely seperated themselves from competition, they've been trying to hit a different market than Sony and X-box (which were direct competitors) for a while, and now I think they finally did it. I was skeptical of the controler for a while, but I think once programers realize what it can do it's going to live up to it's name and be a revolution, the games are going to try completely new things and it will be awesome. In Asia that is deffinately going to be the #1 console, but not in the US, they like their adult games. In Europe, I'm not so sure...I'm guessing people will like to support Nintendo over Microsoft and now that Sony did that crap with the rootkit, it may make people want to support Nintendo over them. Either way, it will be a closer race in Europe.

But I am staying away from the X-Box...I've always thought it crap and hated the '#1' game Halo. Playstation 1 and 2 were really good and there's a reason why Sony's number 1 in the market now. The PS3 is going to have technology far superior to the X-Box...albiet a higher price tag, but Sony's making something much more than a console, it's a whole entertainment system. How they are going to utilize the cell technology is really going to be interesting too and I'm really waiting to see when the first TV's with Cell processors are going to come out.

But that's my 2 or 3 cents, heh. I don't have a TV anyways, so I'm not buying any! I'm sticking with my computer which acts as my stereo and TV as well...and sometimes phone :-P

#96132 by fragility
Tue Nov 22, 2005 11:44 pm
Although some of the PS2/XBOX gaems aer great, I jsut don't thin kall the games compare to snes/megadrive stuff....they might look pretty, but there is a whole lot of rubbish out there!

#96167 by Biert
Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:40 am
Spinalcold wrote:
thefillersweetcityjesus wrote:
Biert wrote:
thefillersweetcityjesus wrote:how about NINTENDO REVOLUTION BITCHES!!!

know your roots man. :D

That controller is gonna kill Nintende. They're so bankrupt.

yeah right!?

is it just me or does anyone else think its about time someone thought of something other than a box and controller. its a revolution, a revolution isn't going to be the same boring shit again. think about it. its a risk, and its nintendo. :idea:

I agree. Nintendo has completely seperated themselves from competition, they've been trying to hit a different market than Sony and X-box (which were direct competitors) for a while, and now I think they finally did it. I was skeptical of the controler for a while, but I think once programers realize what it can do it's going to live up to it's name and be a revolution, the games are going to try completely new things and it will be awesome. In Asia that is deffinately going to be the #1 console, but not in the US, they like their adult games. In Europe, I'm not so sure...I'm guessing people will like to support Nintendo over Microsoft and now that Sony did that crap with the rootkit, it may make people want to support Nintendo over them. Either way, it will be a closer race in Europe.

But I am staying away from the X-Box...I've always thought it crap and hated the '#1' game Halo. Playstation 1 and 2 were really good and there's a reason why Sony's number 1 in the market now. The PS3 is going to have technology far superior to the X-Box...albiet a higher price tag, but Sony's making something much more than a console, it's a whole entertainment system. How they are going to utilize the cell technology is really going to be interesting too and I'm really waiting to see when the first TV's with Cell processors are going to come out.

But that's my 2 or 3 cents, heh. I don't have a TV anyways, so I'm not buying any! I'm sticking with my computer which acts as my stereo and TV as well...and sometimes phone :-P

I agree with the revolutionary thing about that controller, and I respect Nintendo for that, breaking through the walls of traditional thinking. I just think it's not gonna work! That controller has 2 (TWO!) buttons, you cannot control a game with 2 buttons! Motion sensors or no motion sensors, it won't do.

And for the motion sensor, I doubt that will work. First of all, I think it won't be accurate enough but time will tell on that. It's just a thought but I have of course no foundation to base that on.
But when I play a game, I just want to be relaxed, in a position between lying and sitting, taking it easy. I don't wanna be waving my arms around, I hate physical excersize and lots of gamers hate it with me.

Third of all, it's gonna cost developers shitloads of money developing games for this platform. For the generation of consoles of XBox, PS2 and GameCube, it was cheap as fuck. Create one game, then make a one-on-one copy for the other consoles. But now for the Revolution, developers will have to completely re-create the game for Nintendos wacky controller, and a lot of developers just don't have that kind of money so the game will just not be released on Revolution, just XBox 360 and PS3.
And besides that, the Revolution will be nothing as powerfull as the others so games will have to be heavily downgraded when the are ported.

And I've played Halo for a bit on PC and didn't like it either. It was a cheap Half Life rip-off to me.
And finally, PS3 is probably going to be more powerfull than XBox 360. But it's not going to be a lot more expensive than Microsofts counterpart. Sony are rumoured to sell the PS3 with quite some loss per machine. Producing a PS3 will be more expensive than producing an XBox 360, partly due to the Blu-Ray drive (and it's a clever thing of them to support Blu-Ray: people who buy a PS3 will have a Blue-Ray player so are less likely to 'choose' HD-DVD as their next-gen movie disc. XBox 360 does not have a HD-DVD player, even tho Microsoft supports the HD-DVD standard).
I think Microsoft will take a big bite out of Sony's share with the early release, even tho Sony will significantly lower the price of an PS2 at the same time, all thanks to the hype.

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