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#87739 by VampireDaveGrohl
Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:48 am
I just understood it. I got up early cos i thought i was meeting my girlfriend for the bus to work. Turns out i was wrong, but having been on a mission to listen to all the devin albums in order i was now up to Terria, an album i've never really gelled with. But then, i had never really listened to it properly.

So, i'm waiting for the bus (an hour earlier than i would normally be) and i have it on max volume clicks. I don't know why, but it clicks. Suddenly the album goes from a forboding concept album mismesh to an amazing mental pathway of music. I purposefully miss three buses so i can just sit on the wall and listen to it the whole way through (something i've never done before).

I just wanted to share my joy with you. After owning it for over two years, I finally "get" Terria

#87749 by Atari
Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:51 am
It truly is a corker.

#87763 by Blazingmonga
Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:03 am
Shall you be pursuing legal action against Devin for the missed buses?

Heehee. Terria is good, oooh yeah. Nice to hear you got it.

#87764 by VampireDaveGrohl
Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:13 am
Why? Do you think he'll pay? Or will he just scream: "sometime i think that in every straight there's a gay!!"

#87784 by doomsoldier
Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:06 pm
Nah. He'd just tell you to shut your face and take a seat.

And you'd do it too.

#87790 by Atari
Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:13 pm

#87826 by Dragonnade
Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:47 pm
Just bought this off Amazon sellers, arrived yesterday. OMFG is all I can say. Well I can say a lot more, but that was all I could say for a long time after listening.
First time through, I think my jaw got carpet burn it just dropped so low at this album's Awesomeness!
Second time through I lay on my bed. I zoned out so much I couldn't feel my hands. I knew they were in my pockets, but I couldn't be sure because I wasn't feeling them any more, was All about the music. (Till my mum came in and started talking to me over it. That kinda killed it. :?)

Now. It's grown. Evil record that it is, cos I can't get enough of it! It's banned from my car cos of the zoneing out I always do to it, and £600 excess and risk of death, sorry, ain't worth it.

Current favourite tracks are Mountain and Deep Peace.
Mountain... I posted on a diff forum on a what're you listening thread the following:

I think I may die, it's musically just that. It's musically a gorgous view of a mountain range. in my head anyway. Straight ahead, across a lake, snow peaked and just shrouded in a little white cloud, otherwise blue skies. Red/brown with smidgens of green on the sides, and a smile on my face it's so beautiful.

And it is. I see when I hear it, clear as day, even wtih eyes open, I can't see what's real for the imagery.
^^ Another reason the CD's banned from my car! Tis a shame cos my car has the best speakers...

So yeah. I can't get my head round this cd. I really can't. Every time I hear it it affects me more and in different ways!
This album consistently brings me to an emotional edge and lets me face what I'm looking at. It detaches me enough to see where I am, which is so powerful. And I've run out of words. I'm sat here flailing my arms about trying to get the right words. So I'm giving up, and gonna go listen to it! :D

#87831 by Atari
Fri Sep 09, 2005 7:13 pm

She got the Digi.

#87835 by doomsoldier
Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:43 pm
Mountain and Tiny Tears were the last songs to grow on me. It took several listens before I was ready to place them on the same level quality wise as the rest of the album. But I now love them. Stagnant is the best Terria song.

#87838 by fragility
Sat Sep 10, 2005 12:13 am
It's weird, in some ways I think Terria is quite a sad album.....but there is nothing in the world that makes me happier than listening to it

#87839 by funny_little_guy
Sat Sep 10, 2005 12:59 am
Ahh Terria, I know people whom I would consider to be good friends that I've spent less time with than time Ive spent listning to Terria.

#88015 by psychotic
Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:42 am
It's one of those albums that yeah, it is a pretty sad album, but I see exactly where you're coming from (fragility), and I can't fully figure out why I get that feeling when I listen to it. I know some of the reason is that feeling of not being alone that it gives you, that release when you're in the exact same situations, stuff like that. None the less, IMO it's his best album, an absolute masterpiece if I've ever heard one.

#88621 by Axioma
Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:54 pm
I really love all these posts on Terria, to see how it opens people :) I personally became addicted (the time terria came out) for say 6 months, meaning every single day, Terria was blasted, until I just couldn't listen anymore! It was playing itself in my head! I went off it for a while, but nowdays, when I'm in that Terria mood, confused, but swimming happily in the dreamy confusion, I can totally lose the world in this album, this is why Terria feels such a natural album to me, the journey being the point.. "but you dont know" Dont know if I've made sense or not but thats ok :D

Really looking forward to synchestra, and also on a completely unrelated to anything but me note really looking forward to a big loan
:twisted: and home studio goals I should achieve in the next few months myself! Heres to sound...

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