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What's your favourite Meshuggah album ?


#31483 by Greg Reason
Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:00 pm
As much as I appreciate Destroy Erase Improve, I can't say it is th best album, bcause I believe that both Chaosphere and Nothing are far superior to it. Chaosphere is a better constructed album with better performances and better songs that DEI. Sure, DEI had some classics, but it also had weak moments like Suffer in Truth and Terminal Illusions. Chaosphere has no weak moments if you except the slightly lesser track Sane... Nothing has absolutely no weak moments.

Similarly, their actual songwriting has improved considerably. Riffs like the opening part to Soul Burn may be very metal and much fun, but they sound rather forced and don't swing as much as the new stuff. New Meshuggah seems to flow smoothly and swing like a motherfucker, it feels natural and perfect in it's conception.

The sound has been improved to perfection also. Nothing is the only release to have truly satisfactory drums, and the guitars sound simply monstrous. Chaosphere lacks the melody but Nothing has enough melody to be a well rounded album. The intro is perfect and the outro is stunning... It contains many of Meshuggah's absolutely archetypal, perfect songs: Rational Gaze, Perpetual Black Second, Closed Eye Visuals, Straws Pulled at Random, Nebulous.... No other album contains so many gems. Nothing is absolute perfection!

#85298 by black_tooth_grin
Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:48 am
For me it would be "Nothing" since thats the only album ive heard of Messhuggh, plus the "I" EP which got released last year.

#85381 by Noodles
Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:05 pm
Im A Strapping Young Lad wrote:For me it would be "Nothing" since thats the only album ive heard of Messhuggh, plus the "I" EP which got released last year.
you sir, are a necromancer

#85431 by Olive?
Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:18 am

At the second place I put "I" and "DEI".

#85497 by Wiseblud
Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:34 am
Destroy Erase improve because there were total Jazz licks on it. I have not heard a metal act go down the Jazz route like that and pull it off so beautifully. Chaosphere second.

#85721 by Archetype
Sun Aug 21, 2005 5:23 am
Where's Catch 33? I think that's an awesome record.

#85788 by Archetype
Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:56 am
oh shit, I have to pay better attention...:$
Sorry 'bout that.

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