Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct

Smoker or Non-Smoker


#85338 by beavis christ
Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:20 am
Necrophagia wrote:
beavis christ wrote:Honestly? I would advise anyone to never start smoking or doing drugs. But I am not an advisor.

What I meant was that I only smoke cigarettes, but I always let my hands off of other stuff. So, I had the chance to smoke some pot a few weeks ago but I refused to do.

I stand by my statement. Even though I do it myself I would never try to influence someone to do something like that. That is a personal issue that I think should be totally up to the individual. My reason for this is that personally I beleive that all drugs are addictive and I wouldnt want to feel like I led somebody down the path of destruction. If they want they can easily find it themselves.

#85339 by niklang
Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:21 am
I have a friend who started smoking when he was 21 because he thought it looked cool. How dumb is that!

#85341 by ASHORIZZOR
Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:29 am
beavis christ wrote:
Necrophagia wrote:
beavis christ wrote:Honestly? I would advise anyone to never start smoking or doing drugs. But I am not an advisor.

What I meant was that I only smoke cigarettes, but I always let my hands off of other stuff. So, I had the chance to smoke some pot a few weeks ago but I refused to do.

I stand by my statement. Even though I do it myself I would never try to influence someone to do something like that. That is a personal issue that I think should be totally up to the individual. My reason for this is that personally I beleive that all drugs are addictive and I wouldnt want to feel like I led somebody down the path of destruction. If they want they can easily find it themselves.

I stand by my statement: I agree to your's.
End of discussion. :D

#85342 by beavis christ
Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:34 am
:D Hope I didnt sound like a dick.

#85344 by Chris
Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:39 am
niklang wrote:I have a friend who started smoking when he was 21 because he thought it looked cool. How dumb is that!

Very dumb! - Sorry for ignoring your question as being rhetorical :wink: - But I guess that's how most smokers start, right? Well, the fact that he's 21 makes it quite worse, yeah.

#85345 by Blazingmonga
Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:48 am
I see 10 - 12 year olds smoking from time to time. And I bet that they think they look very cool indeed.

#85353 by ianlogan123
Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:06 am
Smoking is really cool. If you keep at it for long enough you'll develop lung cancer or emphysema! How cool is that? You might even get your own oxygen cylinder if you manage to stop in your 70s.


#85357 by BlueRaja
Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:04 am
No Beav, I think that was a very responsible statement. :)

I'm a non. I smoked the occasional cigarette or clove in my late teens/early twenties in social situations, but I never found them addictive. I do enjoy cigars with a nice scotch. 8)

#85370 by EphelDuath666
Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:09 am
BlueRaja wrote:I do enjoy cigars with a nice scotch. 8)

pictures please :D

#85371 by BlueRaja
Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:19 am
Ha! Actually not a bad idea. Gives me a good reason to go buy more scotch. :lol:

#85395 by Eyesore
Thu Aug 18, 2005 3:46 pm
Fuck smokers! I hate you and your delusional uber-attitude! Chucking your cigarettes everywhere BUT ashtrays! An ashtray in a car now is a piggy bank! Ashes and butts go on the road!

Fuck you! One day, while I'm driving along I'm going to have a gas leak and not know it until the fucking moron in front of me drops his cigarette out his window and KABOOM!!! I'm fucking dead. Eat shit, douchebags!!

#85396 by gurp13
Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:02 pm
beavis christ wrote:
Necrophagia wrote:
beavis christ wrote:Honestly? I would advise anyone to never start smoking or doing drugs. But I am not an advisor.

What I meant was that I only smoke cigarettes, but I always let my hands off of other stuff. So, I had the chance to smoke some pot a few weeks ago but I refused to do.

I stand by my statement. Even though I do it myself I would never try to influence someone to do something like that. That is a personal issue that I think should be totally up to the individual. My reason for this is that personally I beleive that all drugs are addictive and I wouldnt want to feel like I led somebody down the path of destruction. If they want they can easily find it themselves.

Yeah, but in your guitar lesson video, you said we have to smoke a bowl and drink whiskey in order to get warmed up. Do you rescind your statement? Can you play well sober? :-)

#85397 by Atari
Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:03 pm
i do mine on the privacy of by back doorstep. Tobacco smokers smell.

#85398 by gurp13
Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:08 pm
I don't smoke now, but I used to. I started smoking when I was 17 because I thought that the people I saw smoking were cool. Seriously. It looked fun and relaxing. So, I started smoking. I smoked Camels for a while, then graduated to Camel non-filters, then Lucky Strikes, then I rolled my own and smoked Drum tobacco. Mmmmm. But, also <hack, hack>. I quit smoking when my daughter was born. In a way, I'd been looking for a reason to quit. But, I heard that infants use smell as their primary sense for recognizing you, next to hearing, when they are wee days old and I didn't want her to recognize my smoke smell. So, every time I smoked I had to wash my hands, my arms, my face, my beard, everything. I had to practically shower after every smoke. So, I quit. It's been over two years now. I've given up a few things as I've gotten older. Next to masturbation, smoking was the hardest. Now, if only I could stop jacking off... ;-)

#85399 by Atari
Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:12 pm

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