The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

Which was your first album?


#83598 by Atari
Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:40 pm
AE was.

#84046 by gurp13
Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:11 pm
You know, and this isn't directed at anyone at all, seriously, but I usually refrain from posting when I don't have anything substantial to say. Especially in a thread like this one where I cast my vote but I don't have something to add, really. But, everyone else is posting and they get all these post totals so, screw it, I'm posting nonsense from now on. :-)

AE was my first album. Unless you count Sex and Religion, which I know you don't but there it is.


#84195 by Burzum
Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:41 pm
Saramanda wrote:None :oops:

I heard "In my dreams with you" with Steve Vai at first, 2 months ago, and then i felt in love with SYL.....

Sorry for my english, im spanish...

That's okay, it's still better than some people here who are supposed to speak English as their first language.

Anyway, Sex and Religion for me too.

I was always a huge fan of guitarists - VH, Vai, Satch etc and then I heard this guy on Sex and Religion with this amazing voice (yep, touching tongues is incredible). About a year later I happened to mention him to a mate of mine I hadn't seen for a while and he told me that he had solo work out. So I had an orgasm, rushed out and bought Ocean Machine, and had another orgasm.

The rest, as they say, is history :shock:

#93175 by arkadin
Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:19 pm
The first Devin album I heard was the Strapping album ' City', but the first I bought was Ocean Machine, then I bought both Strapping albums, just in time to buy the live and Infinity on their release dates, then I came across Punky Brewster, and from then on I bought the cds as they came out.

#93184 by VampireDaveGrohl
Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:06 am
I was going through my phase of buying everything associated with the Wildhearts ever (which i have come a considerable way with) and bought "City" purely because i knew that this guy called Devin Townsend had had a brief stint in the Wildhearts and that Ginger loved him.

Bear this in mind - i had no idea who Devin Townsend was, I had never heard any Strapping Young Lad, or indeed had ever heard of them at all. It was just that City was 6 pound on Amazon, so i thought "what the hell".

I put it on and thought "what the FUCK is this??" but in a GOOD way! FINALLY! I hadn't listen to much death metal before because what i had heard had the brutal power i liked, but nothing had a melody, or a singer who could actually sing if he chose to. Strapping finally filled that void in my head and i instantly began to research who this guy was.

I suspect i got Ocean Machine first, because i tend to get eithe the first or most recent album by a band when i am starting to listen to them. I don't remember my feelings on it. I remember liking it, but it never really gelled with me (and to be honest, still hasn't really). I like it alot more than i did then. but aside from liking it, i wasn't blown away. I forgot about his solo stuff.

About a year later I was trying to decide which Manic Street Preachers album to buy. when i notice the special edition of Accelerated Evolution (which had ony just come out at the time). I asked the clerk whether i should buy AE or The Holy Bible, and he said "AE, definately" so i did (unfortunately not getting The Holy Bible till around 2 years later, nevermind).

AE was the first devin album to actually make me go "WOAH!" I loved it instantly, listened to it non stop for about two months and drove everyone insane by raving about it so much.

So, to cut a long story short ("too late!") i got Ocean Machine first, but AE was the first album that really affected me.
Last edited by VampireDaveGrohl on Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

#93309 by djskrimp
Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:00 pm
I got real lucky. I've been into the Dev since "Sex and Religion". At that time, I was transitioning from some who liked music for "weedily-weedily" of the guitar to actually liking music for the songs. I think that "Sex and Religion" helped with that, because you had Steve Vai going, "weedily-weedily", and Dev belting out these vocals that were unimaginably devastating. When I heard that Dev had started making music much as he was describing in Guitar For the Practicing Musician, (Or maybe it was Guitar School?) I had to get it. That was HAARHT. Everything I imagined that Dev described came true, and I've been addicted ever since. I buy all albums in sequence of release, because the thought of not getting my greasy mitts on anything Dev quickly after its release is sacrilege to me.


#93313 by BlueRaja
Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:35 pm
Sex & Religion, right after catching the guys on The Tonite Show. :)

But out of the options, I chose Ocean Machine.

#93332 by amstudios
Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:20 am
well my cousin got me into SYL coz i was a reall metal head then and loved SYL, little did i know at the age of 13 or 14 cant remember now that lead singer had solo projects going. My cousin said to me to buy Infinity it will be sick and you'll love it forever.

So about 6months later i was in a CD store and remembered about Infinity i bought it with the wierdest look on my face (Dev naked on the cover) not knowing wat to expect, i got home and chucked it on! Truth blew me away and then christeen and Bad Devin i had mixed reaction and to b honest didnt really like it all that much. I actully didnt pick up the Cd untill prob 2weeks later to give it another shot! and this time i listened all the way through and loved it! the first time must have been my metal head just saying nah not metal enough its crap, but 2nd time i actually listened to it with respect of the music thay was being played and from there on i bought Physicist then Ocean Machine and Terria then AE.

And now currently waiting for Synchestra!!

DeVins music has inspired me so much and helped me apreciate 'real' music, not just thrashing metal, so now im all open to genres which im glad!!


#94066 by into the voigtex
Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:27 pm
Got all CDs in order of release, from HAARHT onwards. First from local importers, then from the HDR merchandise machine.

Had to get Ocean Machine specially imported, as none of the retailers or record industry people I talked to at the time knew anything about Dev. Took some doing, too, from what I recall.

The only Devin CD I've ever regretted not buying was a double CD bootleg of a live show from when he was touring with Vai. For some reason I just didn't have the money at the time, and I could never find the CD again.


#94229 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:49 am
AE, as it was teh only one sold in cd stores near me at the time.

#94231 by Mordecai
Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:05 am
Well, the very first Devy-related song I heard was 'Oh my fucking god'... you can imagine my suprise, haha. The first I heard of his solo work was either Kingdom, Seventh Wave or Jupiter.. possibly Storm. My friend burnt me a compilation cd with all those songs on it and I can't quite remember which order they were in, except i know for sure OMFG was first.

Anyway, the first of Devin's Albums I experienced in full was Accelerated Evolution.

I wish I had heard of Devin as soon as he did the Steve Vai project and then followed his career from album to album. Not sure why, I just think it would've been cooler.

Unfortunately, I was just way too young...

#95763 by MindRevolution
Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:36 am
I got started with Accelerated Evolution, just got Terria for my birthday and then decided to order the rest of the albums. Waiting for those to arrive.

#95764 by gozu
Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:38 am
Terria. i wanted a cd and saw it was cheap, i hadn't even heard of dev and a few years on...

#124343 by JayjayAbnormal
Sat Jun 17, 2006 5:29 pm
The first Devin solo-album I heared was Terria. I downloaded it after hearing some SYL. Even after Olives, I was like "..that was a fucking amazing intro.."
Just, the drums, the whole way it was set up, and just how it blends into Mountain.

About 2 months ago I bought it along with a Terria t-shirt from the Hevy Devy catalogue I conviently recieved with another order earlier :)

#124357 by sj_2150
Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:55 am
AE, i saw the special edition of it and bought it straight away. this was when i was just getting into strapping

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