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#83131 by asparagusDuck
Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:20 pm
I've looked on which usually has everything but they only had a couple of devin townsend songs. Anyone know where i can find guitar and bass tabs for devin's stuff?

#83156 by Archetype
Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:22 am
Look in the musicians forum; there's some tabs over there. And try figuring some stuff out for yourself, it helps your hearing, technique and creativity.
I promised to make some more tabs, but I'm a lazy fuck. :P

#83177 by asparagusDuck
Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:47 pm
oh good idea, shoulda thought of that myself.

yeah i usually am able to figure out crap for myself to some degree but i cant seem to do it for devin's stuff with much success. maybe its the weird tuning.

#83178 by CardDinour
Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:16 pm
asparagusDuck wrote:oh good idea, shoulda thought of that myself.

yeah i usually am able to figure out crap for myself to some degree but i cant seem to do it for devin's stuff with much success. maybe its the weird tuning.

im not the best guitarist ever, i can figure out most songs by metal or rock bands, but im with you - not gunna bother with Devin, his music seems just too hard and it probably is in either weird dropped tuning or just open tuning.

like i said im not good :)

#83185 by IronMaiden736
Tue Jul 26, 2005 8:03 pm
Devin's music is hard for me to transcribe mainly becuase there are so many other sounds playing at the same time its hard to pick out the guitar.

#83193 by fragility
Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:30 am
IronMaiden736 wrote:Devin's music is hard for me to transcribe mainly becuase there are so many other sounds playing at the same time its hard to pick out the guitar.

Exactly, there is so much layering and goodness knows what that it does make a lot of it very difficult...hence why the internet is rather lacking in Terria tabs me thinks

#83209 by Archetype
Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:00 am
Actually, this will surprise you, but most of Devin's songs are not that hard (some exceptions here and there, e.g. Ants). The problems for me are the compression and bombastic sounds. Devin Townsend his music is just full; there's no space left for anything, which makes it pretty hard for me to focus on the guitar parts.

#83225 by asparagusDuck
Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:52 am
Archetype wrote:Actually, this will surprise you, but most of Devin's songs are not that hard (some exceptions here and there, e.g. Ants). The problems for me are the compression and bombastic sounds. Devin Townsend his music is just full; there's no space left for anything, which makes it pretty hard for me to focus on the guitar parts.

thats good to hear. since im not really a guitarist but a bassist, i still have trouble with stuff that most guitar players would find easy, but im trying to practice and build up my guitar skills. any easier songs of his you would recommend? So far i kind of know parts of away, canada, and 7th wave.

the one song i really wanna learn is Truth but for some reason the download from the musicians corner forum wont work for me. :(

#83226 by OliK
Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:53 am
Deadhead is bloody easy, I should know :lol:

#83294 by funny_little_guy
Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:58 am
There are a few powertabs over at they're under Ocean Machine
Townsend, Devin
and Devin Townsend Band, The
also some strapping ones are there to.

#83317 by asparagusDuck
Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:38 pm
cool, thanks guys.

btw, i learned all of suicide except for the solo. its such an awesome song to play. I was starting to get a little discouraged until i got this one down. woohoo.

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