The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#81682 by Chris
Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:12 am
rgx612a wrote:^ Devin's albums don't have many guitar solos, there's been a few on his last couple albums, but very little before that. I don't see how guitar solos could not appeal to people though, they can add alot to a song sometimes.

Maybe that's too general. I mean, there are some people not liking guitar solos at all (and then it's not too surprising when they listen to New Metal only), but when you're open for guitar solos, you still can decide for yourself and for each song, if the guitar solo adds something to it. That's what I always liked about Dev's stuff. He doesn't do solos because of that "after the second chorus, there's the guitar solo" attitude, his rare solos always give me a feel of adding something to the song and sometimes highlighting it.

#81697 by CardDinour
Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:49 pm
rgx612a wrote:^ Devin's albums don't have many guitar solos, there's been a few on his last couple albums, but very little before that. I don't see how guitar solos could not appeal to people though, they can add alot to a song sometimes.

i cant actually recall any solos, except for Deep Peace, but is that really a solo? or just an instrumental part? .... yea i thought some more, and cant think of any solos. who needs them?! sounds good anyway :D

@Mr.Asparagus: so youve given it to him? and?

#81721 by Greg Reason
Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:54 am
There is a nice solo in Tiny Tears, there's a solo in Stagnant, there's a solo in Suicide, Away is one big solo, there's a solo/guitar part in Bad Devil, there's a solo in Life, I'm sure there are others, those are just off the top of my head...

#81723 by Chris
Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:58 am
You can't recall any solos?! :shock:

I also prefer calling the Deep Peace part you're refering to an instrumental section rather than a guitar solo... It's got to do with how the backing instruments accomplish it... But that's just my two cents.

Solos on Terria, since that was the album we were talking about concerning this topic: Nobody's Here, Tiny Tears, Stagnant.

And I think all of them really add something to the emotions of the songs.

#81864 by simen_88
Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:22 am
Don't forget Deadhead.

#81867 by Chris
Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:33 am
simen_88 wrote:Don't forget Deadhead.

I think it was clear that I was just refering to solos on Terria, but... Deadhead? There are long instrumental sections on it, but I wouldn't call them guitar solos at all.

Hm... Songs on AE with guitar solos would be Suicide, Away is one big solo (as Greg already mentioned), and Sunday Afternoon.

Damn, what was the original topic? :lol:

#81962 by Hellhammer
Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:51 pm
Wow! As far as I can tell, this topic became something completely different.

In any case, Devin Solo's while they aren't all over the place, when you do hear them, they can really add something to the music.

#81987 by Chris
Mon Jul 11, 2005 3:21 am
Hellhammer wrote:Wow! As far as I can tell, this topic became something completely different.

Yup! Interesting, isn't it?

Anyway, it keeps this thread alive until we get a reaction from the teacher who got Terria.

And I'm with you on the solos. Dev is probably one of my favourite lead guitarists - and one of the reasons for this is that Dev isn't quite a lead guitar player in the traditional sense. He proved more than once that he has the technical ability and that he knows how to write tasteful solos which do both, fit into the song and add something new to it. His solo guitar playing is far from relying onto standards (which maybe is also the reason why there aren't that many)

#82082 by Lumiere
Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:11 am
Away is a veritable guitar solo in itself.

#82895 by asparagusDuck
Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:04 pm
just wanted to give people an update incase they were curious about what is happening with my teacher.
unfortunately he has yet to respond to my email and i havent been able to track him down so he is still terria-less. kinda disappointing :(

#83836 by asparagusDuck
Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:13 pm
finally got in contact with him. hes gonna come by and pick it up this weekend. I also made him a little mix of Porcupine Tree, Fates Warning, Radiohead, Opeth and Pain of Salvation too. Hope he likes that.

#84471 by Chris
Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:45 am
asparagusDuck wrote:finally got in contact with him. hes gonna come by and pick it up this weekend. I also made him a little mix of Porcupine Tree, Fates Warning, Radiohead, Opeth and Pain of Salvation too. Hope he likes that.

Amazing how much effort you put into it :shock:

Are we talking about a hot sexy female teacher? :wink:

#84474 by asparagusDuck
Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:13 pm
lol no it is not a hot sexy female. far from it. HE is a teacher and a captain in the national guard.
the reason i am doing all this is
1. he's a really cool guy, we became buddies kinda though my junior and senior years at high school
2. he likes prog music so i thought i'd introduce him to some new stuff he hasn't heard of yet
3. its kind of like a thank you gesture since he wrote my college recommendation letters and helped me out with my essay.

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