A place to share your own music and creative projects.

#78686 by Coma Divine
Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:06 am

Now that I have a decent net connection I can start to check out all you guys' work in a realistic timeframe...

That was killer stuff Dan! I can feel a lot of your influences in Tidal and When Oceans Switch, and you are doing them well proud, mate! :amen:

Long may it continue. I am certainly no expert, but I reckon you might have something there! :D

#78800 by danra
Thu Jun 02, 2005 3:44 pm
Cheers Coma, thanks for taking the time to listen! As I said, I hope to have more tunes up soon with hopefully a few different influences thrown into the mix....not that I've gone off the old ones, just been feeling a bit more straightforward metal recently.

btw, does anyone have any ideas for other places I could advertise myself?

#79943 by danra
Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:41 pm
not gonna start a new thread about this, but i thought (well, hoped) people might be interested in hearing my other band, Kudzu. There are 4 of us in this one, as opposed to just lil'old me, and this is our first demo:


#80829 by danra
Sun Jun 26, 2005 8:48 am
i just put another wee snippet of a song up cos i've been unable to do anything else with it for ages. Just so I know what not to do, I'd be interested in seeing what people thought would be the most obvious thing to do next ;>


the new one's called 'i need the rain to come...'

#81339 by Chris
Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:43 pm
Hey there!

Just saw the band's/ project's name and it immediately made me think "Oh wait, isn't there..."

And, yes, there IS. I've got a CD called "Moments", it's from a german band called... Where is the fuckin' drumroll? ... Tidal!

Hm. The CD already came out some years ago (though I just got it some weeks ago), so I guess they came first. Don't know how to describe their music, lots of screams in it, but it's not really metal... Maybe it could be labeled emo.

Just to let you know :wink:

Oh yeah, off topic: It's great that some of the musicians here share their songs on this board so that we can discuss 'em and encourage you to keep up the good work. I noticed that very soon when reading threads from the musician's corner and really enjoyed it.

It's late, I'm tired and maybe this sounded a bit gay now. Too tired to care.


#81384 by Greg Reason
Sat Jul 02, 2005 7:25 am
I really like the stuff you've done with Tidal. Kudzuuk is cool too, but very very Tool. Still good though. You're a great singer! Very good pitching. If you work on your screams, you'll be a great vocalist all round.

#81385 by Chris
Sat Jul 02, 2005 7:31 am
danra wrote:yeah, i 've heard of that german band....a bit annoying, but can't see it being a massive problem, me being completely unfamous and all.

cheers for posting though!

Pas de problèmes!

Actually, they're also far from being famous, so, no... No problem! :)

Would be interesting if you give us some insight though. Why did you choose this name?

#81444 by danra
Sun Jul 03, 2005 2:55 am
Well, the whole thing was kind of a 'concept' or thematic thing to start with, because I had a particular lyrical metaphor thing going on about the sea and emotional risings and fallings and all that sort of stuff, and the music seemed to fit it....so I thought 'Tidal' was a really good description of both the music and what the lyrics express.

Not sure how long that theme's going to continue though, so I might have shot myself in the foot.

#92049 by [brett]
Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:30 am
I really like this Tidal track. Some real nice guitar work in there, and the subtle lyrics helps the whole thing along nicely. Thanks for posting this! I havn't listened to When Oceans Switch properly yet, but I will. Eagerly awaiting more!.

#95571 by danra
Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:32 pm
And finally, after more than a year, I have three finished songs! Well, almost finished...about as finished as it's going to get anyway. Check out the new one, 'Nevermore the waves' - it's not entirely polished but I'm not sure I can be bothered to do any more with it...


#111852 by Blazingmonga
Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:53 am
danra wrote:I edited the previous post but it's not showing up as a new one; therefore, please excuse me making this rather pointless yet self-explanatory post.


I could delete this post but it is funnier left alone hehehe.

I am listening to your new song, and as always I am stunned already.

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