The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#79637 by 66tinytears99
Fri Jun 10, 2005 11:47 am
In a few days time this list will probably have completely changed, but at the moment its...

1. Terria
2. Infinity
3. Accelerated evolution
4. Ocean Machine

All very very close

and finally Physicist which, i must be honest, i just cant get into.

#79938 by EternalMetal
Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:11 pm
Here we go. It changes occasionally, but remains mainly like this

Ocean Machine
Accelerated Evolution

Ocean Machine was the last album to really make an impact in my life (no pun intended :)). I liked it before (had it for a few years), but was not until about 6-7 months ago affected by it so much. It jumped from being 3rd or 4th in my list to taking the number 1 spot. It being number one is a pretty solid spot. I just love that album to death. Such a good piece of music. And its not just because its his first, im no music elitist :lol:

Accelerated Evolution just rocks. Such a good pop rock metal album. It has also affected my life and is excellent. I love the sound of everything on this album, and his vocals shine on this one. Maybe one of his best vocal performances to date.

Devlab. Wow, this cd is just cool and creepy. Its very abstract, yet i can see what Devin is getting at. His vibes are incredible and i just get it. It is a pretty deep album believe it or not. but unlike the other Dev material, it is dark and dreary.

Terria is an amazing piece of music. I feel bad putting it in such a low place, but Devin really does some incredible stuff. Terria has changed my life forever. It was a turning point in my life, and i believe it has had a lot of influence in my life. Great cd, but i kind of overplayed it for it to be in the top of the list. I had to listen to this cd solely for 6 months straight, alternating a few cds here and their, but mostly listening to this wonderful masterpiece. I would consider it Devin's masterpiece, but is not currently my favorite.

Infinity is definitely a random abstract work of art. Has some really great songs on it, but as an album as a whole, it just doesnt reach me as deeply as the rest. I dont totally get this cd. I think it is too deep to truly understand fully. I know this cd is meaningful and has so much emotion. But it just doesnt click as being a classic.

Physicist is just a heavy album that seems just like Devin is trying to make Gene happy by making it heavy. It doesnt seem like he is expressing himself fully in this cd. That, and it just doesnt click. their are a few good songs, but nothing to earn a higher position on this list. I have very similar views to the majority of the people in this thread (does that sentence make sense :) ?)

#79988 by rgx612a
Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:27 pm
Good lists people. Cool to see certain albums being at the top of some peoples lists and at the bottom of others. You never see that at on a metallica forum for example, it's always Master of Puppets or Ride The Lightning first or something. Just goes to show how strong Devin's entire discography really is.

#79996 by Burzum
Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:05 am
That's true. I have AE at the bottom of my list but I put it on the other night and still think Storm is such a magnificent track

#80165 by doomsoldier
Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:11 am
Ocean Machine
Accellerated Evolution

#80183 by shand
Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:07 pm
Ocean Machine
Accelerated Evolution
Devlab (basically because I'm rarely in the mood to listen to it, but when I am, it's awesome.)

#80302 by fragility
Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:56 am
I just realised that whenever try to make alist like this, and then I listen to the one I had at the bottom a couple of days later and I feel guilty for doing god, I'm sad, I feel like apologising to the album!

#80320 by Lumiere
Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:30 pm
There isn't, in my opinion, a single dud in Devin's back catalogue. Because all of his albums are different, it's hard to rank them next to each other. But I'd say, roughly...

1. Terria
2. Physicist
3. Ocean Machine
4. Accelerated Evolution
5. Infinity

#80321 by Socialenemy69
Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:40 pm
1. Ocean Machine
1. Terria
3. Infinity
4. Accelerated Evolution
5. Punky Bruster (Cant believe it was left off the list.)
6. Physicist

there is a tie for the Gold Medal!

#80323 by Coma Divine
Sat Jun 18, 2005 6:21 pm
fragility wrote:I just realised that whenever try to make alist like this, and then I listen to the one I had at the bottom a couple of days later and I feel guilty for doing god, I'm sad, I feel like apologising to the album!
:lol: :lol:

Yep, I know THAT feeling!

#80325 by Noodles
Sat Jun 18, 2005 6:26 pm
fragility wrote:I just realised that whenever try to make alist like this, and then I listen to the one I had at the bottom a couple of days later and I feel guilty for doing god, I'm sad, I feel like apologising to the album!
don't worry, your not the only one...

#80343 by ALieN
Sun Jun 19, 2005 11:44 am
1. Ocean Machine
2. Accelerated Evolution
3. Terria
4. Physicist
5. Infinity

Infinity was the first Dev album I heard, and loved it at first, but overtime as I got the other albums, I started to dislike Infinity more and more.. I just found it hard to listen to at some points.

#80790 by Lumiere
Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:36 pm
This is incredibly hard for me to do. I listen to them all a lot, and I love most of them equally. Terria is my favourite though, and quite possibly my favourite album of all time.

#80801 by glidis
Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:17 pm
1.Ocean Machine
2.Accelerated Evolution

#82083 by Lumiere
Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:15 am
And now,

1. Terria
2. Infinity
3. Ocean Machine
4. Physicist
5. Accelerated Evolution

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