I have to say something here...
Today I decided to listen to Devlab, to lay on my bed, zone out and take it all in. Granted, it was a very relaxing experiance. My favorite parts being the quesadilla part, (Such awesome techno) and the part where there are these twinkling notes in the background of a beautiful dark atmosphere. I have just gotten together with a lovely woman, and I imagined during this part of laying in the grass under a beautiful display of night. The album is quite charming, a bit disturbing at times, and the dark night atmosphere of it gives me chills. I can't wait for its opposite Human to come out. Its going to be amazing!
Anyway, as I was listening to it I couldn't help but think and frustrate myself with the question, "Why the hell isn't Dev regarded as one of the most original and creative artists of the modern day?!" I'm serious, it frustrates me to know that his music will never be accepted on a larger scale. Every single one of his albums are something special, something different, like stepping into different worlds. Even Physicist and SYL which are regarded as his two weakest albums are so much more above much of the music that is being regarded as "good" today. His production work is fabulous too, he can make an ordinary hardcore band sound like something powerful and artistic. It completely boggles my mind on how underrated he is in entertainment. His voice, his music, his vision, he is one of the most intresting people in music by far. I'm not saying this because I'm a fanboy, I'm saying it cause in my eyes and my ears its the truth. And it is such a shame that people, even people that I know will never understand his music. Its not like his music is too complex, or too difficult, thats what I love about him. His work is a pleasure because its easy to listen to without sacrifising any of its emotion or intricacy. Its just people are either too lazy or don't feel like giving something new a chance. Sigh....
But thats the way it goes I guess. As long as the few who are here and the few that are in the world continue to support him, I'm sure he will go on. He seems much to devoted to ever stop...and that gives me great comfort...really.
Sorry if that was long, I just needed to vent for a minute.
Today I decided to listen to Devlab, to lay on my bed, zone out and take it all in. Granted, it was a very relaxing experiance. My favorite parts being the quesadilla part, (Such awesome techno) and the part where there are these twinkling notes in the background of a beautiful dark atmosphere. I have just gotten together with a lovely woman, and I imagined during this part of laying in the grass under a beautiful display of night. The album is quite charming, a bit disturbing at times, and the dark night atmosphere of it gives me chills. I can't wait for its opposite Human to come out. Its going to be amazing!
Anyway, as I was listening to it I couldn't help but think and frustrate myself with the question, "Why the hell isn't Dev regarded as one of the most original and creative artists of the modern day?!" I'm serious, it frustrates me to know that his music will never be accepted on a larger scale. Every single one of his albums are something special, something different, like stepping into different worlds. Even Physicist and SYL which are regarded as his two weakest albums are so much more above much of the music that is being regarded as "good" today. His production work is fabulous too, he can make an ordinary hardcore band sound like something powerful and artistic. It completely boggles my mind on how underrated he is in entertainment. His voice, his music, his vision, he is one of the most intresting people in music by far. I'm not saying this because I'm a fanboy, I'm saying it cause in my eyes and my ears its the truth. And it is such a shame that people, even people that I know will never understand his music. Its not like his music is too complex, or too difficult, thats what I love about him. His work is a pleasure because its easy to listen to without sacrifising any of its emotion or intricacy. Its just people are either too lazy or don't feel like giving something new a chance. Sigh....
But thats the way it goes I guess. As long as the few who are here and the few that are in the world continue to support him, I'm sure he will go on. He seems much to devoted to ever stop...and that gives me great comfort...really.
Sorry if that was long, I just needed to vent for a minute.