You are the rainbow! You are the sun to my chameleon!
#78392 by The Dev
Thu May 26, 2005 4:54 pm
OK, for those interested...

New dtb starts recording in the first week of September...and it's really a relief to be doing it.

We have been rehearsing everyday.

Some songs are;

The Baby Song
A Simple Lullaby
Notes From Africa

This record is my current mindset and it sounds great. Really colorful and ambiguous.

The dvd we shot last year will be part of the special edition of the record. It's really cool, but better as a bonus than a stand alone product I think.

It feels good to wear these shoes...stay tuned!


#78393 by Riotstarter
Thu May 26, 2005 5:17 pm
Thanks for the news Devin.

I can't wait!

#78394 by beavis christ
Thu May 26, 2005 5:17 pm
These new songs are killer! Very different sounding than AE. Cant wait to play this stuff live!!

#78396 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Thu May 26, 2005 5:31 pm
im excited, alien and this upcoming dtb album are the first two albums released since i became a fan... its really fun hahaah.

#78397 by Drumdude13
Thu May 26, 2005 6:01 pm
Yup.....AWESOME is the only way to describe this album !

I think I can speak for everyone in the DTB that we are all extremely excited over this record. The music flows so easily and we're all having a blast rehearsing it. Dev has once again come up with some amazing music.....hurry up September !!!! :P "Synchestra" is getting ready to kick some ass !

#78398 by djskrimp
Thu May 26, 2005 6:05 pm
We FINALLY get to hear "Notes From Africa"!

#78399 by CardDinour
Thu May 26, 2005 6:06 pm
awesome!! sounds funky! cant wait for it to come out!

might have to get a dvd box and make my own little cover for the dvd since my cds and dvds are in different rooms :)

#78402 by LouiLoomis
Thu May 26, 2005 7:05 pm
Great news! Thanks for the info Dev, Brian and Ryan. I am dying to hear the results, shame it won't be for a while but good things come to those who wait. :)

#78404 by psychotic
Thu May 26, 2005 7:56 pm
Very excited for this release. Looks like everyone enjoys the new material, which only excites me more. Keep on truckin' and don't worry about selling this to me, it's already sold.

#78407 by rgx612a
Thu May 26, 2005 10:07 pm

#78410 by Persuader
Fri May 27, 2005 12:15 am

#78412 by funny_little_guy
Fri May 27, 2005 1:33 am


#78414 by Devine
Fri May 27, 2005 1:41 am
Thank you for the news, guys!
Rock on!

#78417 by Coma Divine
Fri May 27, 2005 2:11 am




All these are Aussie colloquialisms for something superb, as this news truly is.

And words you guys can rehearse for when you tour the bugger Down Undaa!!

Brilliant to hear. :D :D

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