The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#76430 by asparagusDuck
Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:10 pm
If your media player or iPod or whatever has a playcount thingy for songs, what devy song is your #1 most listened to? Include SYL too if you want. At the moment, I have a 4 way tie

1. Thalamus (11)
2. Zen (11)
3. Possessions (11)
4. Truth (11)

I've only had my iPod for about a month so my counts aren't as high as some people's will be i bet.

#76455 by burning witch
Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:40 am
My winamp screwed up so the playcount is crap, but my Audioscrobber page listings (just for this past week) say :

Devin Townsend - Depth Charge 32


Devin Townsend - Deadhead 31

..comming in second.

#76459 by asparagusDuck
Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:06 am
holy crap, 32 depth charges in one week? Thats like 5 times per day. i can see you are a fan of accelerated evolution :)

#76463 by Noodles
Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:49 am
umm, not sure about songs because it only counts my songs played on the computer(where i hardly listen to it, because sonic stage blows)... well maybe it does otherwise but i'm too lazy to find out... but my most played devin albums would be(quite easily really)

1. City
2. Accelerated evolution
3. ocean machine
4. alien
5. terria

#76471 by burning witch
Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:59 am
asparagusDuck wrote:holy crap, 32 depth charges in one week? Thats like 5 times per day. i can see you are a fan of accelerated evolution :)

Oh yeah, deffinitely. :D

Although I think it's more to do with the fact I have a constant rotation of Devin cds playing 24/7 (I'm that sad, yes) and AE is seemingly the only one which Audioscrobbler picks up and records onto the website, haha.

It's still quite alot isnt it? :lol: :oops:

#76521 by ALieN
Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:57 pm
lol here we go..

SYL - Shitstorm = 32
SYL - Skeksis = 31
SYL - Love? = 27
Devin Townsend - Regulator = 25
SYL - Possessions = 24

after that, the next 29 top played songs are all Devin Townsend/Strapping Young Lad. haha. damn i'm gonna clear out the list now and start over with this lol

#76524 by jweak
Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:59 pm
Top 5 :
Christeen 32
Truth 31
Bad Devil 29
Sunday Afternoon 27
Oh My Fucking God 25

That's from iTunes, dunno about iPod

#76674 by HevyMinik
Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:11 am
jon wrote:
Noodles wrote:is it wrong that i run down my mp3 players 15 hour battery life in 2.5 days?

no... thats dedication!

Well, I can do it in 1.5 day if I am not at work, haha!

#76725 by Disputatious
Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:19 am
Nobody's Here - 112
Bastard - 89
Natural Science - 88
Life - 80

On WinAmp

#76768 by Coma Divine
Fri Apr 22, 2005 5:39 pm
Yep, if you don't know - it is Dev's contribution to the "Working Man" Rush tribute album.

Well worth a hearing. :)

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