Who's behind the door... who's behind the door?

#76148 by Drumdude13
Fri Apr 15, 2005 10:11 am
asparagusDuck wrote:Where's Ryan? He should see what people have to say about his fine work :)

I've been checking this thread it's just that I can be a bit shy when it comes to really cool compliments about myself, sometimes it's hard to except a nice compliment, we've all been there, I'm sure. Thanks very much Asparagus Duck and everyone else for the cool compliments on my drumming on AE. Here's a little story of how the drum tracks came to be....

Basically, I joined the DTB month's before AE was going to be recorded. Dev had the whole album written and already had jammed with some drummers that did'nt fit into the band. So Dev had a really good idea of how he wanted the drums to be. When I got the gig, Dev and I basically locked ourselves in the jam space for a good couple months and went hard. He had basic beats and ideas in his head, would explain them to me and I would just kick out cool beats and fills until Devin said he loved it. We did this for the whole album. He wanted me to have my style in the drumming mixed with his vision....it worked very well. Once we got all the drum ideas down, we started jamming as a whole band for a couple months, then went into the studio to record.

AE was an album based on simpler songs(Compared to the rest of his solo albums) and ton's of groove. Devin did'nt want anything too flashy throughout the album, which I totally respected, cuz it was all about writing a great song. For example..."Deadhead", killer song with a pounding slow groove, no flash, but it's a fan favourite for many different reasons and most importantly, i'ts a GREAT song. Dev has a knack for writing incredible music......

Don't get me wrong, there are some cool fills and beats in song's like "Random Analysis" and "Depth Charge" to name a couple but it was all about groove, slammin' beats and playing for the song. I'm very proud of that record cuz we achieved exactly what Dev was looking for and I think it's an awesome record. IMO.

So there it is.....sorry for the long story :P On the new album, I think you will here more complex drumming and even cooler beats mixed in with some amazing song writing. You guy's will dig it...trust me...


#76185 by Tim
Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:20 pm

#77448 by EternalMetal
Wed May 04, 2005 5:51 pm
I love the drums on AE. One of my greatest drumming moments. I know comparing anyone to a guy like Gene is very difficult, but i think Ryan is perfect for Devs style. Just as equal as Gene.

The sound of the drums is great.

#79742 by rgx612a
Sun Jun 12, 2005 1:29 am
I agree, the drums have alot of life to them on AE. The snare tone really caught my attention.

#79812 by Hellhammer
Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:52 pm
EternalMetal wrote:I love the drums on AE. One of my greatest drumming moments. I know comparing anyone to a guy like Gene is very difficult, but i think Ryan is perfect for Devs style. Just as equal as Gene.

The sound of the drums is great.

I agree completely. Ryan is not Gene, but he doesn't have to be, his style is more than perfect on AE, and now that I have heard him on it, I would never want to hear anyone else play the songs he drummed on. He simply works and is a fantastic drummer. And he is representing the homeland too. :D

#81662 by the toilet
Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:49 am
I totally agree, the drum sound for this record sounds like no other DTB project. The sound of the album sits closest to Ocean Machine though i think, but its the fat chunky drums that i noticed initially (again being a drummer its the first thing you hear) and it stands it alone in that respect.

Strapping wouldn't work with a drum sound like it, as aside from ryan and gene having totally different styles... the heavy double kicking/blast beats etc of strapping, with the drum sound on AE, would pretty much swallow and drown out the whole sound of the album. Both projects are top notch!

Looking forward to the new album! :D

#91631 by Yanko
Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:24 am
the funny thing is: being a drummer, i KNOW for sure the drumming on the album sounds GREAT, both in playing and sound
but i think it´s hard to pay attention to it alone from the rest, cause it really fits everything perfectly. And that´s what i really find incredible about it =D

And probably i´m paying more attention to the overall production and vocals, cause i must admit, i´m a n00bie Devin fan =X :D

#91643 by VampireDaveGrohl
Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:07 am
My favourite drum moment is in Traveller where after the intro it al goes fast for a few bars. The quick drum fill before the next bar where it's all "brrrran brrran danandanand DANNAAA!" or something like that.

It kicks ass.
#239095 by Morill
Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:43 am
I love drum parts on AE, because Ryan plays a bit simple, but with enormous power and it's perfect background for other instruments' parts. I like his style and I think he is one of my drum masters especially because of his tracks on Accelerated Evolution.

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