Burzum wrote:I don't understand how anyone can call an album that is one long track pretentious. Are you saying music has rules it MUST stick to? Every song should be three minutes long?
No, you misunderstood me. To do it is perfectly OK. It's not the length of the song that matters.
But when someone actually takes the time to mention it... That's something else. I'll try to illustrate the difference in quality:
"There's a new album on the way. It will probably be about God."
"There's a new album on the way. It will probably be in the form of one 50 minute long track."
Now do you see what I mean?
Burzum wrote:I don't care if a song is 2 minutes long or 50 minutes long.
We agree. So why is it something that an artist would feel the urge of telling us about? That's when it becomes pretentious.
Oh, yeah, and I just realised - this is the eleventh post in this thread, so apparently we care quite a bit about how long a song is!