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Which is the best soap opera?

#72040 by steve_dave
Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:22 am
Well... i guess this ones mainly for the brits on the board... but if you have an opinion, you have a vote.

I voted for Coronation Street, which is strange because i'm not a middle aged lady, but for me Eastenders' writing has just got a bit too silly, and with the whole 'Den being buried under the concrete...' Brookside anyone?

Sorry i started this topic...

#72041 by fragility
Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:33 am
Neither, I would never watch either unless forced to, got much better things to spend my time on, offence to any soap addicts :)

#72042 by Coma Divine
Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:33 am
I voted Coronation Street. I juuust remember it from when my mother used to watch it when I was a kid (and that was an aeon ago) when I was in Manc. a few years back I went past the Granada studios where they filmed it. Apparently the shop in the show was a real shop inside the studio. :shock:

Tenuous link at best, but it'll do. :)

#72043 by steve_dave
Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:47 am
fragility wrote:Neither, I would never watch either unless forced to, got much better things to spend my time on, offence to any soap addicts :)

i wish i had better things to do than get excited about fridays episode...

#72046 by Blazingmonga
Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:01 am
'enders every time....! It rocks!!!

Though Corrie has been a bit more interesting recently....but Eastenders is just so goddamn funny that I cant resist it.

#72047 by steve_dave
Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:19 am
Blazingmonga wrote:'enders every time....! It rocks!!!

Though Corrie has been a bit more interesting recently....but Eastenders is just so goddamn funny that I cant resist it.

true... the whole den sleeping with Zoe thing was hilairious!

#72049 by Blazingmonga
Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:30 am
Den and Andy were both hilarious characters, I couldnt take them seriously at all. Infact, its probably going to get a bit boring now they are gone.

Corrie went a bit mad with that bomb thing a while back, that was cool.

#72051 by steve_dave
Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:37 am
Blazingmonga wrote:Den and Andy were both hilarious characters, I couldnt take them seriously at all. Infact, its probably going to get a bit boring now they are gone.

Corrie went a bit mad with that bomb thing a while back, that was cool.

I'm actually really looking forward to Katy going skitz and killing people.

It was cool when Andy got pushed off the flyover... Johnny Allen could be good.

#72052 by Blazingmonga
Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:46 am
steve_dave wrote:
Blazingmonga wrote:Den and Andy were both hilarious characters, I couldnt take them seriously at all. Infact, its probably going to get a bit boring now they are gone.

Corrie went a bit mad with that bomb thing a while back, that was cool.

I'm actually really looking forward to Katy going skitz and killing people.

It was cool when Andy got pushed off the flyover... Johnny Allen could be good.

This Johnny guy, he used to be on the Bill didnt he? That actor looks really familiar.

#72053 by steve_dave
Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:54 am
Blazingmonga wrote:
steve_dave wrote:
Blazingmonga wrote:Den and Andy were both hilarious characters, I couldnt take them seriously at all. Infact, its probably going to get a bit boring now they are gone.

Corrie went a bit mad with that bomb thing a while back, that was cool.

I'm actually really looking forward to Katy going skitz and killing people.

It was cool when Andy got pushed off the flyover... Johnny Allen could be good.

This Johnny guy, he used to be on the Bill didnt he? That actor looks really familiar.

yea, but i don't watch the bill... i think i read it in a heat magazine.

#72054 by fragility
Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:42 am
good god! the quality of this conversation is rapidly sinking, heat magazine??! hehe

#72057 by Blazingmonga
Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:51 am
fragility wrote:good god! the quality of this conversation is rapidly sinking, heat magazine??! hehe

True metal fans watch soaps and read heat! Its a fact!

#72062 by Jizz
Mon Feb 28, 2005 12:57 pm
I can't be arsed with any TV programs like that. The only good thing about any of them is the young females that they always have. Coronation Street edges it I think, but Eastenders has Zoe...yum.

#72063 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:06 pm
every soap opera i've ever seen (my grandma watchs them a lot) have the worst actors ever. its absolutely terrible and i cannot stand to watch more than five minutes of them.

#72070 by ianlogan123
Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:29 pm
Hollyoaks omnibus on a Sunday morning. Perfect way to pamper your sore head. Lots of blonde totty running about getting into all kinds of japes.

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