The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

Which was your first album?


#68105 by ebles420
Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:51 am
here's the deal...

got sex and religion when in 1998 when i was trying to find new guitar challenges thru vai, satriani etc (new to me anyway). i thought 'i thought that vai only sang on fire garden.... ah, who's this devin townsend guy? and what's with the freddie mercury impression?' (touching tongues)

kinda forgot aboot it, and it just became another part of my collection.

some time later, a buddy (who was into vai and such) told me that devin was working with ginger from the wildhearts, and that he had been in the wildhearts (which i knew not)... it must have been about the time of infinity

some time later (1999/2000)... while riding in another buddy's car, i heard detox
and i was like, 'what is this... it fuckin' rules'

this is strapping young lad......... devin townsend......

rest is history

#68110 by Saramanda
Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:35 am
None :oops:

I heard "In my dreams with you" with Steve Vai at first, 2 months ago, and then i felt in love with SYL.....

Sorry for my english, im spanish...

#68180 by ForceFed
Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:39 pm
First album was Accelerated Evolution, got it about 7 months ago, been hooked ever since.

#68193 by Greg Reason
Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:02 pm
I actually heard City first, then Infinity.... When I heard Infinity, I was a changed man. It was like the Heavens opened and light poured through.... No album could compare to hearing Truth for that first moment, unprepared for the onslaught of divinity....

#80791 by Lumiere
Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:41 pm

I was disconcerted by Olives. I was confused by Mountain. Earth Day, however, ripped my head off. Terria quickly became my favourite album of all time.

#80815 by Noodles
Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:29 pm
my first devin album was Heavy as a really heavy thing, then Accelerated evolution, then SYL, then City, then Terria then i kinda forget the order from that point

#80824 by funny_little_guy
Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:28 am
Accelerated Evolution. Two weeks before I went to meet SYL before the Adelaide show...... which I was too young to go to.

#80825 by ianlogan123
Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:30 am
The first CD I heard was Ocean Machine, way back in 1998 (shit 7 years!). A friend at school leant it to me telling me it was the most amazing thing. I listened to it through and thought "Meh" - I really liked the first couple of tracks, but that was about it. I thought the rest all sounded really similar and didn't enjoy it much. What can I say I was going through a Hendrix thing at the time.

Fast forward to 2000 and I was at University holding down a job as a Pizza chef. Now that I had some money I went out and bought a bunch of CDs (15 in one day!) and among them was Ocean Machine. That was it - never looked back and very quickly snapped up everything else. Terria and Accelerated Evolution (plus some SYL stuff) are the only albums I've been able to get excited about before they are released. And of course Human.

#80828 by organic spiral
Sun Jun 26, 2005 8:21 am
I first heard of Devin from sex and religion. Thought he was a great singer and thats all. Then I discovered SYL at a meshuggah show and bought their self-titled. I was hearing all this hype about his solo stuff so I bought AE. Thought it was good at first, but as I kept listening to it I realized its genius. Bought every album since then.

#80892 by Chris
Mon Jun 27, 2005 9:45 am
I didn't vote - Physicist and Terria were my first two Devy albums, and I got them both the same day... First listened to Phycist, then Terria. It's been over two years now, but I'm not really surprised to remember that day so clearly!
The first Dev song I ever listened to was Life, so it didn't take much thinking before ordering OM. But, guess what - wasn't available at the time.
After AE, Synchestra will be the second album from the Dev that I'm gonna buy within a few a days after its release.

#81045 by weemies
Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:05 am
Sex & Religion for me too. Then more than a decade later, Ocean Machine, which blew me the f*** away.

Both albums are among my favorites of all time. And Terria. God, how I love Terria.

#82929 by BenMech
Fri Jul 22, 2005 10:10 am
S+R, then the Working Man Tribute, then HAARHT and City together. Then OM/Biomech and on and on and on.

#82934 by chrisslight
Fri Jul 22, 2005 10:40 am
AE on that poll. Devy stuff all together, SYL, City, HAARHT, Alien, NSTBT, then AE.

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