The infinite waltz, welcome home, ladies and gentlemen
#67583 by Greg Reason
Mon Jan 17, 2005 11:47 pm
OK..... I think Infinity is enough a work of art that it deserves to have its every song analysed and examined within the context of every person who reads a different meaning into it. I figure I may as well start with what is probably the single greatest song ever recorded, Truth, seeing as it is the first song on the album and is just so damned good.

Also, this is a good place to start because of the fact that it's a predominantly instrumental track and so the interpretations will differ greatly from person to person.....

From my perspective, this album is about one man and his struggle with his own holiness, his own place within the sphere of all that is, his own place within that which we know as God but which the individual has smartly realized comprises of every single fucking thing in the entire universe....

The individual knows that he is not truly an individual, because he is in fact just a little piece of the jigsaw puzzle that is God. He is as much God as any other person, so why does he feel so alone? Why is he the only person that he knows that is going through this contemplation, why does he have to make this fucking record to exhaust himself of these feelings and express to a cold, confused world the things that they should be thinking of already.... Why has this task fallen to him?

I think that this is not so pressing a concern on his mind in this first track, though, which I feel to be a statement of his own, and our own, divinity. I feel it is a celebration of life, of existence, of the marvel of being. The "Hallelujah" shouted out like the most joyous prayer is a more appropriate way of saying "FUCKING YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! I AM ALIVE AND I AM HOLY AND HOW FUCKING GOOD IS IT?!?!?!"

The entire track sounds to me like the closest that any man could get to expressing Godliness in a song... the closest to expressing how incredible it is that we are right here, right now, on this same planet, in this same form, speaking with this same language... We are all only energy, we could have been anyplace at anytime, but we are here, now, together.... What an amazing thing it is to exist.... What an amazing song Truth is.

#67587 by Mordecai
Mon Jan 17, 2005 11:55 pm

... Is 'overanalyzation' a word ? :D

I love that song though.

#67593 by A-Daamage
Tue Jan 18, 2005 12:13 am
I do have to agree that Truth is the greatest song ever written. The first time I heard it I stopped doing whatever it was I was doing, even stopped thinking. I was almost scared how much it had overwhelmed me. The only way I can describe it to people who haven't heard it is that it's like trying to stare at the face of God. I'm still trying to figure out that constantly moving, palm-muted line that Devin sings "I warned you" over. That entire song is like the voice of life, crying out for you to understand, even just a fraction of the simple enormity of existence. It's saying, "Open your eyes. There is more going on here than you realize."

#67595 by Greg Reason
Tue Jan 18, 2005 12:21 am
We worked out that line in the musicians corner... I dunno if the file is still there. Have a poke around, if it's not I'll type it out again for ya.

#67598 by psychotic
Tue Jan 18, 2005 12:53 am
This is one of my all time favorite intro tracks. Just from the suttle beginnings and then BOOM, it gets heavy out of nowhere. It sounds like a song to greet a God to, nothing less can enter a room to that song. Then the smoke clears at the end, some buzzer goes off and you have that drumming. It's one of those feelings. Very cool, without a single doubt.

#67754 by Blazingmonga
Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:14 am
I am completely with Mr Greg when it comes to 'overanalysing' Infinity...I think this kind of insanity is a-OK.

Truth though....where to begin?!

I have already given one interpretation of this song in my silly thing in the other thread...but I can always give another.

In the most general and obvious way, this song to me is about the feeling you get when you look at the night sky and feel 'god' falling down upon you. Its like being surrounded by some kind of blinding light, all the noise and ambience in this song is like the whole world screaming at you. Its like if every particle of every thing could say one thing to you, they would say the same thing because ultimately they are comprised of the same energy and it is that energy that fills this song. There is so much of that energy in this song it seems like it will explode by the end.

As an introduction to the album, it is unbeatable. As a song on its own, it is stunning and beatiful.

And I am insane.

#67801 by HevyMinik
Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:44 pm
I read an interview somewhere, where Devin talked about, that for him, "Truth" was like the sound of flowers "growing up". (Sorry, English os not my native language; that's why I tend to explain in long sentences sometimes!).
And that heavy, HEAVY part after the intro (the flowers), was the sound of an earthquake and so on...


#68183 by ForceFed
Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:45 pm
Truth is the best opener an album could ever have. It's almost too good for an opener, because almost anything that comes after it is going to pale in comparison a bit. Whenever I listen to Infinity, I find myself skipping back to it a few times before I go through the rest of the album, it's addictive.

#68225 by A-Daamage
Thu Jan 20, 2005 9:52 pm
ForceFed wrote:Truth is the best opener an album could ever have. It's almost too good for an opener, because almost anything that comes after it is going to pale in comparison a bit. Whenever I listen to Infinity, I find myself skipping back to it a few times before I go through the rest of the album, it's addictive.

I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I think Truth should've been released on it's own CD, just one song. It's not fair to the rest of the songs on Infinity.

#68228 by into the voigtex
Thu Jan 20, 2005 10:23 pm
Truth is the recorded definition of "majestic". It's like channelling directly into the mind of awesome celestial awareness, and quite possibly the greatest single song ever committed to tape. It's humbling and at the same time uplifting.

The only other piece of music that even comes close to Truth in terms of expansive cosmic majesty is the first section of Processional (Star Child Rise) especially the bit " much beauty, keep strong and focused, with God among us, forever we stand"


#68236 by King Fear
Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:31 am
You'll pardon me that I don't want to go into details like that. I enjoy the songs, and I'd like to do that on my own, without other people's interpretations (only vaild for them anyway) interferring with mine. I love the music, and it does something for me, and that's enough. More than enough.

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