Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#62159 by EphelDuath666
Wed Dec 22, 2004 6:13 pm
so I recently bought the Hellraiser Lament Configuration Box set and of course it rules and stuff. But yesterday I chekced the Bonus DVD for the first time and watched Clive Barker´s early short movie called "The Forbidden" and I was a bit...let´s say...surprised to see a guy dancing around nude, having a boner for about 10 or 15 minutes. :shock: Maybe I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old but I pretty much laughed my ass off like crazy. I swear, the camera is pointed at that nude guy (not sure but I think it´s actually Doug Bradly) for at least 10 minutes without any other scene in between and he´s dancing around with a boner. So my question is has anyone seen that too? What the hell is that short movie supposed to mean? (especially the boner scene...please, someone explain!!! lol) And aren´t Hellraiser 1 and 2 some kick ass movies? (Yes, I´m kinda bored btw, in addition to that I´m tired)
#62163 by Coma Divine
Wed Dec 22, 2004 6:56 pm
EphelDuath666 wrote:I swear, the camera is pointed at that nude guy (not sure but I think it´s actually Doug Bradly) for at least 10 minutes without any other scene in between and he´s dancing around with a boner.
No, I haven't seen it. Does he have lots of pins in his...ummmm..."head"? :wink:

*winces in pain*

#62165 by EphelDuath666
Wed Dec 22, 2004 7:01 pm
lol...well, to be honest, I didn´t wanna look THAT closely :lol: But as far as I´m concerned...nope he didn´t :wink: Maybe you can find that movie on p2p. If it isn´t good for much, it´s at least good for a laugh. Performance art at its best....

#62196 by gurp13
Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:10 am
Coma, lol, but, seriously, that shit ain't funny. ;-)

Ephel, I haven't seen that movie (The Forbidden). However, I'm a pretty big Barker fan (have a signed movie poster of Hellraiser and most of his hardback novels signed). You may be aware that CB is gay and that he often deals with homosexual themes in his work. Some of his most recent novels have dealt directly with gay characters while older works have dealt with gay themes indirectly. So, just off the top of my head, no pun intended, I'd say that you might have some sort gay theme in that short film.

Okay, I'm totally trying not to laugh because I can hear others going, "Okay, there's a naked guy with a boner dancing around for ten minutes... you really think that's gay?"

Anyway, homosexuality could be "The Forbidden" that the title is referring to, as well. And, I think I did hear somewhere that Bradley was in earlier works by CB so you could be right. That might be a pre-Cenobite Doug Bradley showing off his other head.

Okay, fuck it. I'm laughing. That shit is funny. :lol:

#62212 by EphelDuath666
Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:42 am
really, I have not a single problem with the fact that he´s gay (as people here should know)...who cares. :) Ít´s really just the fact that I think it´s funny that there is a guy dancing around with a boner for 10 or 15 minutes. I would have understood 1 minute, maybe 2...but 15??? Just imagine you´re sitting there, not expecting something like that and all of a sudden...boioioioioioioioing and it just doesn´t wanna end :lol: You gotta see it to understand why it´s so damn funny. Not sure if that Bonus DVD is available in the States though.

Edit: I just checked on Emule and the short movies Salome and The Forbidden are both available there as one file. It´s a big one but for those that are interested, I can assure you that at least 15 minutes of that file are very entertaining :D

#62307 by Tren
Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:46 pm
y'all should check out doug bradleys book its pretty cool. You've totally put me off the boxset now though.

#62314 by EphelDuath666
Thu Dec 23, 2004 1:04 pm
lol......noooo noooooo :lol: The Boxset really rules! The Lament Configuration art work is pretty well done for that box and the DVD´s have great quality. And each movie has 5.1 sound of course and there´s plenty extra stuff on each DVD including easter eggs. Here´s a tip though: About half of those boxes include at least one faulty DVD (part one, two or both basically) so be sure that you have the guarantee that you can take it back without prob if you purchase it in a store. Or choose the way that I chose and send the faulty DVD(s) to Anchor Bay London and they´ll return a good one. This is the address:

Anchor Bay Entertainment UK Ltd
PO BOX 4425

just in case you have trouble.

#62321 by gurp13
Thu Dec 23, 2004 2:01 pm
EphelDuath666 wrote:really, I have not a single problem with the fact that he´s gay (as people here should know)...who cares. :) Ít´s really just the fact that I think it´s funny that there is a guy dancing around with a boner for 10 or 15 minutes. I would have understood 1 minute, maybe 2...but 15??? Just imagine you´re sitting there, not expecting something like that and all of a sudden...boioioioioioioioing and it just doesn´t wanna end :lol: You gotta see it to understand why it´s so damn funny. Not sure if that Bonus DVD is available in the States though.

I hope I didn't imply that you had a problem with it. I'm sorry if I did, because I didn't mean to. I just didn't know if you knew that about Barker and I thought it might help explain. I mean, personally, if you told me that you were going to have a movie with a hot chick hopping around naked for 10 minutes I'd say, "Well, alright, I could watch that." :D

What's most remarkable is that, as you describe it, this guy manages to actually maintain an erection while hopping around so long. Dude! If I get up and walk around for 1 minute it's gone bye-bye! That's some kind of talent!

I haven't seen that box set but I might look into it sometime when I have more money. I always did like Hellraiser 1, although the subsequent sequels deteriorated rather rapidly. Barker's books kick major ass but his movies always left me wanting somehow. I keep hoping that one of these days someone will get up some serious nutsack and throw down $150 million and make *Weaveworld* or *The Great and Secret Show.* But, you gotta have a decent budget for special effects it's pointless to have one of the greatest imaginations powering your movie if you can't put it on the screen.

#62336 by EphelDuath666
Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:26 pm
no no, I didn´t misunderstand you. Just wanted to point out that it doesn´t make a difference for me, I mean regarding the gay issue. And I have to agree. How the hell did that guy stay serious and maintained the erection of that long? I mean, I would have laughed my anus off if I have had to do that. So that must be pure mind/noodle control. Anyways, I gotta say that Hellraiser 1 is really great but I also love the second one. The Channard Cenobite kicks ass. "I recommend...amputation!" LOL :lol: I just don´t know what to think of Hellraiser 3. If you look at it as an independend movie, it´s quite OK. If you look at it as a sequel though, it´s really disappointing. I think the bigger budget kinda killed it. Although Hellraiser 1 only had a budget of somewhat 1.5 Million bucks, it was pretty damn amazing, especially for that time. And because of that low budget, I think it really seemed so authentic. Now I´m not saying that I don´t like American high budget movies, as a Matrix fan I would be crazy to say that. But I think it wasn´t really good for a Hellraiser movie. Anyways...blah blah. Here´s a pic of that nice Boxset by the way. Since Anchor Bay has its roots in the USA (I think) you should be able to get it there too...let me check on Amazon...nope, doesn´t seem so. And it probably would be pretty expensive for you to import it. Anyways, here´s the pic:


#62348 by MullHawk
Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:59 pm
Ive seen it, I was sat in shock trying to decide if my mind was playing tricks on me.

It's quite disturbing really, and yes that is doug. Didn't seem to bother him in the slightest, I think those 2 short movies are the most fucked peices of material I have ever seen.

#62357 by EphelDuath666
Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:30 pm
I agree....The Forbidden is definitely in my Top 5 of weirdest things I´ve ever seen too.

#62402 by gurp13
Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:42 pm
I don't think that a big budget is what hurts a movie. Now, given that when you start spending a bunch of money then people start to get nervous and they want to have their say about what happens, well, in that case, yes, big budgets can ruin a movie. But, where I thought the budget would be helpful would be in special effects and hiring good actors. When your budget is only 1.5 million (even in 1980 dollars) then you don't have a lot of extra money for the talent. The biggest problem with Barker's films made from his books is that they need someone who can use that money wisely. Look at Lord of the Rings. $300 was the budget for those films. That's a pretty big chunk of change. But, Peter Jackson knew what he wanted and he stayed on target.

If I were making, let's say, for example, "Weaveworld," I would first make sure that you had a good script. I would probably try to get Clive to write it. But, it might not be a bad idea to hire a quality screenwriter, instead. Heresy, right? No. Screenwriting is not the same as novel writing. I'm not sure if Barker really can write a good screenplay. But, I'd want to at least try him, first. Second, I'd want to get good actors for the lead parts. You're gonna have to pay at least 2-5 million a piece for those guys. And, I'd hire really talented artists for the effects so that we'd get some super bitchin' stuff to look at. Bottom line, you'd need a director and producer that understood the book and what it means. It should be important to them that the book become a good film, not just make money. Anyway, all I'm really trying to say is that a big budget doesn't automatically ruin a film. More precisely, what ruins films is people who don't really know what they're doing when they make them. The film industry is filled with people that just want to get their fingers in the pot despite the fact that they don't really understand what's being cooked in the first place.

#62403 by EphelDuath666
Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:49 pm
yeah...that´s not what I said. I said I don´t have anything against big budget movies. But in the Hellraiser case, I think a lower budget is just fine because all the effects in Hell On Earth just were a bit too much. I still love many big budget movies. Like I said, I´m a Matrix fan and those movies had quite a big one.

#62409 by BlueRaja
Thu Dec 23, 2004 9:02 pm
I looove Clive Barker. Loved Weaveworld and Galilee especially. Mmm, Sacrament was OK. All of his short stories are trippy weird cool.

NOT so sure about the movies. Hellraiser is great, the 2nd was pretty good, and didn't see any others. I know I saw Candyman in the theater, but I don't remember anything from it.

I'm scared of this boner flick. Not "scared" in the scared sense, but "scared" in the "WTF" sense. I'll just sit here and visualize off Ephel's commentary and leave it at that. :shock:

*kicks image out of mind* GO AWAY!

#62455 by gurp13
Fri Dec 24, 2004 5:47 am
EphelDuath666 wrote:yeah...that´s not what I said. I said I don´t have anything against big budget movies. But in the Hellraiser case, I think a lower budget is just fine because all the effects in Hell On Earth just were a bit too much. I still love many big budget movies. Like I said, I´m a Matrix fan and those movies had quite a big one.

Right, see and that's what I'm saying. It's not that there were too many effects or anything. Instead, what I'm trying to suggest is that if you don't have the right person or persons in charge of the production and making good decisions then all the money in the world won't save a shitty film. On the other hand, if you've got the money and the right brains behind a project then it's going to be spectacular. Matrix is a great example. Lord of the Rings is another. There's effects in every shot of that film but it was masterminded correctly.

Hope I'm not getting on your nerves 'cause I'm enjoying the conversation. :)

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