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What is your favourite Devin Townsend album?


#53306 by Klersxt
Mon Nov 01, 2004 8:20 pm
I thought this would be a good thread to post in for the first time on this forum. :)

For me, it is a tough call between the Big 3, as I call them, but in the end, I rank them like this:

1. Terria - This is simply a perfect album. I don't see anyway it could have been better. There are not enough superlatives in the world to describe the greatness this album possesses. I love every song on this record, but my absolute favorites are Tiny Tears, Deep Peace, The Fluke, Earth Day, Stagnant and Mountain.

2. Infinity - The production on this album is just WOW! This is definitely an album where you have to listen to it as loud as possible. Truth is the most bombastic and insane song ever and I listen to it on a daily basis. Seriously. Townsend's "hallelujah" screams(that start at 2:04, I think) are nothing short of ridiculous. How can someone get their voice to do that?! Favorites on this one are Truth, Noisy Pink Bubbles, Bad Devil and War.

3. Ocean Machine - DT's third great album. It is a little less intense that Terria and Infinity, but still almost as good. There are a couple of tracks I can live without, but overall, I love it. Favorites are Funeral, Bastard, Regulator and Seventh Wave.

4. Accelerated Evolution - I like this album, but I do not consider it essential. The overall sound is a little too mainstream. It doesn't have that noisy, crazy, insane sound of all of his previous recordings. It is still heavy as shit, but is just missing that extra something IMO. I do love Random Analysis though. Slow Me Down, Depth Charge and Storm are good too.

5. Physicist - This one I am not wild about, but I am not a thrash metal fan by any means. Kingdom, Jupiter and Planet Rain are good songs, but the rest all sounds the same to me. I almost never listen to this one.

#54057 by Rico Suave
Sat Nov 06, 2004 6:30 pm
My personal favorite is Terria, followed by Ocean Machine and Infinity.

#54741 by Marc101
Fri Nov 12, 2004 5:31 am
Infinity. I can't get enough of it. Bad Devil is one of my favourite songs ever.


#54862 by mo
Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:59 pm
sweet, I just caused a tie.
I thought infinity would've rated higher.

#54865 by Coma Divine
Fri Nov 12, 2004 8:47 pm
Ocean Machine and Terria have been neck & neck for months now.

It is like some 10,000 Light Year race between two snails! :lol:

#55766 by ForceFed
Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:04 am
Hmm. My last post was very premature, and as much as I hate admitting this...I am a relative Devin Townsend newb. I've been a SYL fan for almost a year, but not until about two months ago did I begin to discover Devy's solo stuff. Now that i've heard each album many times, I can give an educated answer to the question: Terria. I'll briefly break down what each album means to me.

Ocean Machine (Biomech)

I've seen many Devy fans hail this as a masterpiece, as his defining work. Personally, I don't see it. It is a fantastic album by all means, but it does not come close to Terria in my opinion. Seventh Wave is my favorite Devy opener, and The Death Of Music is among my favorite songs. This ranks at 4.


At first, I had a hard time getting my head around this album. It was the last of Devy's solo albums that I came across, and that may have had something to do with it, as it's seemingly very different than the others. After giving it about 6 repeated listens, I realized how damn enjoyable it was. Bad Devil may or may not be my favorite Devy song. Well rounded album too, the only songs I have trouble with are War and Noisy Pink Bubbles. This ranks at 3.


I've read in a few interviews where Devy has said he was very unpleased with this record, and I have to say I share his feelings towards it. There's just something missing, I can't put my finger on it. Material is this album's saving grace for me, and Death is a great track that would probably fit more on a SYL album. This ranks at 5


Above and beyond, my favorite Devy album and one of my favorite albums from any band/artist period. This was the first Devy album that I read the lyrics along with while listening, and so many of the things Devy is saying on it hit home. The music is extremly moving, it brings me places. "Homes away from home" is how I describe these songs. The Fluke has become somewhat of a personal anthem for me. This ranks at 1.

Accelerated Evolution

My first Devy album, and would be my favorite if not for Terria. I love how catchy it is, while at the same time having a seriousness to it, especially lyrically. Random Analysis and Slow Me Down are big standout tracks. This ranks at 2.
#56735 by Bolweevil
Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:16 am
Terria is actually my favorite album, but I'd still have to vote for Physicist, because that was the album that introduced me to Devin. When 'Namaste' kicked in my ears perked up- '' and I've been hooked ever since. I still think it's hard to start an album better than the opening BLAM of 'Namaste', it turns you from :sad: to :twisted:

#56776 by Bloody_Rust
Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:52 pm
I only have two of Devin's albums - Accelerated Evolution and Terria. I'm hoping to get Ocean Machine for Christmas, but if I don't I'll definitely get it out of my birthday money. Until I've heard all of his albums I'm slightly reluctant to make judgement, but I'm quite sure that Ocean Machine will be my favourite. Songs I've heard from there include "Life", "Regulator" and "Voices in the fan". Those are definitely among my favourite songs ever.

#57580 by blackwings
Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:12 am
wow i cant bel;ieve AE is only getting 11% of the vote - personally i like the stuff he did with vai and james murphy quite a bit better than any other option up there.....

#57737 by Noodles
Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:07 pm
Accelerated evolution or ocean machine for me. Infinity is too high pitched for my liking :\ I haven't heard terria, but i'll be getting it next time i go to a music store

#57988 by Greg Reason
Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:30 pm
mo wrote:I thought infinity would've rated higher.

I am always saying this.... ridiculous.

#58479 by BLOYD
Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:30 pm
Ocean Machine by far...a work of art

#59059 by Hout
Tue Dec 07, 2004 3:26 pm
danceswithchickens wrote:Does anyone else think that Truth sounds like a whole chorus of fucking heavenly angels, or am I just weird?


And what about Dynamics/Unity? That rocks my hairless soul...

#60552 by FlatHead
Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:17 am
Terria, hands down. Infinity's second, then AE and Ocean Machine. Physicist lags behind a little bit.
#61183 by DM
Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:49 pm
Pioro wrote:Someone could tried to listen Dev's albums when he was travelling hundreds of miles in car or train...It was really different and cool experience for me...Travelling through country with headphones on ears on a holidays, that I can't wait :( ...Terria was the best in that time...It's one of the best progressive album ever !!! :)

Totally agree with you Pioro. I listened to Terria whilst riding on the train through France and Switzerland and it totally blew my mind. It was one of those 'once in a lifetime' (do I feel a Talking Heads song coming on?!) experiences.

Then again, Biomech is also a great 'travelling' album...oh boy, what a difficult choice to make!

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