geoff wrote:hey hey !!! welcome dude
I saw them at the progpower and they played "storm" "suicide" "deadhead" "away" and "slow me down"
cool man thanks - going on a search for info about any upcoming DTB releases

geoff wrote:hey hey !!! welcome dude
I saw them at the progpower and they played "storm" "suicide" "deadhead" "away" and "slow me down"
Greg Reason wrote:I understand what you are saying, but I dissagree that "the magic is gone"... To me, it's a good album with some of his best shit ever on it (Suicide, Deadhead, Storm) and some of his worst shit ever on it (Random Analysis, Slow Me Down). I just don't think it is as consistant as Infinity, Terria or Ocean Machine.
Similarly, the production kicks ass but doesn't glue the tracks together in the manner that I love so much. This is OK - obviously it was intended to be seperate songs and it's nice to have a Devy album with individual tracks rather than pieces of a complete picture, but I personally prefer the big picture method, I think it shows far more craft.
As for it sounding like Terria or Ocean Machine or whatever, I dunno, I can hear similarities but I don't think that it is too close to either of those. It seems like a distinct, futuristic poppy metal sorta thing, which is different to all of the above. But there are admitedly some familiar sounds and production techniques, but it is the same dude doing this so we must give him credence there.
Devin mentioned that because he was making the two albums at the same time, he didn't feel the need to reinvent himself this time around, which would explain these things. Personally, I feel AE to be far superior to SYL, which I think is almost a complete waste of time coming after the monolithic masterpiece that is City...
I guess the other stuff you mention (drums, etc) is just personal opinion. I tend to like Devin's mixes and I find little problem with the sounds he pulls, so that stuff is merely subjective. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think AE is a bad album at all, just not as good as he has been. I have great hopes for both Alien and also the new DTB releases, I feel that because they are being concentrated on seperately they will both be far superior to their predecesors.
a_random_person wrote:Weird has always taken me a while to actually like any album from Devin. Same thing with AE, when I first got it, I was like 'what?...'
Like about a few weeks later, I was listening to it on my way to Reno sometime during the afternoon and every single song just came to life. Later on, I noticed one thing. All the songs on AE were much more raw, straight-forward and well, simple! No crazy ambience, much of the vocals aren't layered, it's pretty much just Devin being down to earth in all ways. So yeah, I never know what he'll come up with next but I do know that it will take me a while and that time period is very much worth it.
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